Ban's Drop Point EDC in Denali

Nov 26, 2005
I thought you'd enjoy a few photos where I captured my Ban Tang Drop Point EDC carried in Denali along with one gratuitous knife-porn shot.

Thanks Ban! Your knife served me very well during this trip! As I was pretty much wet from the day I arrived until we left I feel the S35V was a good choice. The blade spent a lot of time (several days) wet and still looks like new.

I also carried it North of Coldfoot in the arctic circle (anyone who has seen Ice Road Truckers will know what I'm talking about). This may be the furthest North a BT has traveled?



Nice pics! Thanks for sharing them. I've been wanting to get a knife from Ban for a while now. Yours looks great. I originally found my way over to BF from seeing Bans work on another forum. I want a clinch pick and now a drop point EDC. Thanks again!
Nice shots man! Hopefully it was able to perform its cutting tasks satisfactorily ;). Looks awe fully cold there. My skinny ass would probably freeze to death !