Battle Grade MOAB - This has to happen

Dec 27, 2006
What do you reckon? A MOAB in full battle grade dress, SR101, maybe even a sabre grind. This would be phreakin AMAZING!

Make it happen Bossman! :)

That Be awsome, and id even use it lol now if it be Satin INFI monster, Im not sure i could bring my self to use it. Ur my Hero for that lol i do got to say though it still looks pretty darn handsome all scuffed up and used, maybe as good or nicer than new.
I'd love to see a BG in sr101 and CG and BFDC and maybe a BIG satin in infi.

If that happened I'd be in for a BG and BIG satin
I decided to pass on the Flack Jack in hopes of the next offering being epic, and that MOAB would certainly be there. I have never handled one. Either that or a Battle Grade Gladius would be my top picks.