Benchmade 2550 Mini-Reflex pocket clip?

Jun 24, 2014
Hi there, after seeing your pocket clips online I am very impressed by the work you do. I saw a For Sale thread for a Benchmade 2550 Mini-Reflex (Auto) that included one of your STR Lowrider Pocket Clips but there were no pictures. It is a tip-up right-handed carry blade.

Would you be able to do another pocket clip for this knife, for me? I can get you the correct measurements if you no longer have them written down somewhere. I wanted to ask if it was possible first since, as you've stated in other posts, you cannot accept my knife in the mail because of OK knife laws.

Thank you.
Yes I can but I do recall it uses the standard clip used by many others including the Griptilians but it is such that the fold over is just a bit more immediate and the lanyard is partially blocked some but I do recall it fit for the person applying it yes. Thanks
Sounds great, I'll take the measurements then. And I don't mind the lanyard hole being blocked - I won't using a lanyard so the clip placement is more important to me. It'll take a few days as I do not have the knife with me currently.