Best Way To Spot AD-10/AD-15 Fakes


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2000
My friend got a fake at a shlock shop the other day, he thought it was real i told him to compare thumb lugs.He returned it for a refund after taking these pics next to his real one. He Thought he was getting a bargain. The thumb lugs on the real ones(top picture) are more cone shaped and have a smaller surface area; the fake ( on the bottom) has a stubbier fatter stud and a bigger surface area.The screw side on the real one is a finer slot the fake has a bigger slot,and is sometimes on the left side instead of the right. Also the box on the real one is matte finished, only the knife is glossy,and the box on the real one has a circular clear decal on both ends. Seeing alot on fleabay being passed off as real its like an epidemic. [url=][/URL]