Recommendation? Blade Forums has reduced the size of Pics?


Gold Member
Jan 26, 2016
One of the benefits of a Gold membership is that Blade Forums will allow us to post pics that are hosted here and we don’t have to use a third party hosting site. After the Photobucket surprise last year, I have been using this feature exclusively to post pictures here on BF’s. In the last month or so, almost every pic that I try to post is too large. They must have set a new size limit which affects pretty much all pictures taken with my phone.

Has anybody else run into this issue? Are there any easy solutions? Is there a quick and easy way to reduce the size of my pictures? Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
Spark recommends imgur and I've been using it for awhile now myself. I also paid the 20.00/yr fee to PhotoBucket to unlock my previous image posts. I'm not adding images to PB as I'm not sure I trust them to maintain that 20.00/yr level.
I think this thread will do better in Tech Support. Maybe you'll get some more solutions to your questions that don't seem to be answered by the thread reference r8shell r8shell provided.
Is there a quick and easy way to reduce the size of my pictures? Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
One of the benefits of a Gold membership is that Blade Forums will allow us to post pics that are hosted here and we don’t have to use a third party hosting site. After the Photobucket surprise last year, I have been using this feature exclusively to post pictures here on BF’s. In the last month or so, almost every pic that I try to post is too large. They must have set a new size limit which affects pretty much all pictures taken with my phone.

Has anybody else run into this issue? Are there any easy solutions? Is there a quick and easy way to reduce the size of my pictures? Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
I noticed it too but just resize the photos before posting. I used to size pics at 8" but have to do 6" now for BF.
You can reset the MP of your phone camera in settings.
I set mine from the default 8MP to whatever the lowest is ... maybe 1MP?
The lower the MP the smaller the picture.
I think my pictures are 5x7 now instead of 16x20 or larger.
Thank you everyone for the advice. I think I’ll be using Imgur from now on.

Here is my first Imgur hosted picture.
Thank you everyone for the advice. I think I’ll be using Imgur from now on.

If you aren't already, do set up a free Imgur account rather than just uploading without one. I can't count the number of times being able to find one of my old photos and refer to or reuse it has been helpful. :)
I have an android and its a pita to copy a pic from imgur.
Imgur has been blanking a few pictures lately, but nothing like photobucket. I would never give PB money, they're the debil.

Some forums software automatically resizes photos.