Buck Kitchen Knives

Apr 20, 2022
I just bought my son the 7 piece set. I have no experience with them. I have a varied set of kitchen knives. I was very surprised to see China as country of origin on a set of Henckels, which sealed the deal for me. Unfortunately theyre getting here after his bday, but I hope he enjoys them.
That 941 spreader knife is easily the most used knife in our home.
It is far more capable than I ever dreamed it could be.
Every kitchen should have 2 of them!

This for sure. Several years ago I ordered the two paring knives and the spreader. I had second thoughts on the 941 and called Buck to cancel that part of the order. The person I talked to (can't remember who) convinced me that the spreader was a good knife. I am glad he did! I love that knife!

(The paring knives are excellent quality and good in the kitchen. However, they are a little too thick for paring knives in my opinion.)
I bought my Mom a 931 "Chef's knife" for mother's day. I'm anxious to see how she likes it. Her old carving knife has been sharpened until it looks more like a filet knife šŸ˜„. I never knew, until I joined this forum, that Buck even MADE kitchen knives.
Kitchen cutlery in general deserves more love than it gets on this website since for most people, it's the one knife task they'll do all day (that isn't opening an amazon package).

That spreader looks great, I'm going to have to get one. I seem to recall Kabar having a similar one, I might have to get both and compare!