Budget Knives Give Away


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Nov 16, 2016
I have a handful of affordable fixed blades and folders I've collected over the years as I enjoy trying out new things but many of these are no longer getting used.

I have around 5 folders and 3-5 fixed blades. Most have been used to varying degrees, some have been modded, and some have seen very little use. I may throw a prototype in here as well depending on how much interest there is.

Rules: post that you want one and if you want a folder or fixed blade, or either. If there are legal limits to what you can own, please let me know.

If there are some young ladies or gentleman (under 21 we'll say) out there just getting into knives, camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, bushcraft, backpacking, or pretty much any outdoor activity that uses a knife, post that you know someone that would enjoy the knife and PM me details. This could be family, friends kids, friends, neighbors, some boyscout/girlscout group, or just a random young adult or adolescences that would really enjoy a used knife to have. An adult will need to okay the gift before I will mail anything and I'll be less mysterious on what I send.

I'll draw from the post number based on the date and time I see which is EST so there's a possibility those posting late will be entered for the following day's draw. I'll contact the winner via PM 1st or post on your profile wall. Entrees will automatically be entered in the following day's drawings.

Limit of one per address. First come first served for young'uns, showing some favoritism, and I'll draw daily from anyone that states they're in below starting tomorrow, 8/13/20, and ending Sunday, 8/16/20. I'll extend as needed until everything is gone or do a random draw of more than one over the weekend.

You must have been a BF member for at least 3 months and have a post count of more than 10 outside of the exchange. I reserve the right to be selective on passing on an individual's draw if it looks like they only buy/sell on the forums and aren't a regular participant in discussions.

Here's the catch, I'm not telling you what I'm sending with the limitations of legality or to minors. No fixed blade is double-edged and no folders are auto or assisted except one Kershaw speedsafe so they should be legal for most people in the US to own but if you're unable to carry, I'm sorry, please pass it on or enjoy using it around the home or other places you can legally enjoy it. For the speedsafe, just let me know if you cannot have that one.

Thanks for reading and enjoy.

Any posts from today will go into tomorrow's drawing since we're starting this tomorrow.
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Some examples of things I'll have in the mystery boxes:

A folder from kizer
Folders from US Companies on the level or the OKC rat 1 and 2.
USA made handmade fixed blades

All would be about $50 or less new so nothing spectacular but far better than gas station knives still.

I may sneak a watch into one box, or a flashlight, we'll see.
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I'm in for the 14 yo Eagle scout candidate next door - who is also getting into blacksmithing/knifemaking, raises 4H pigs, plus he and his dad hunt deer and furharvest in the winter.
his dad and I trade favors and I'm betting they would both be solidly chuffed if a random fixed blade made it into his hands.
My daughter has been asking if she can have a fixed blade. She currently has a Byrd Meadowlark she uses with my supervision. Count me in, but please consider it’s for a 9 year old girl’s hand. :D Thanks!
1066vik 1066vik AntDog AntDog
Please PM me about the kid's what you think would work for them and let's get something to them. We don't need to do a draw for the kiddos, I'll do my best to get them something they would like.

bflying bflying if you don't mind I would prefer to send something for your son, assuming he's under 21. If he's a little older, I'll send something and you both can decide who gets it.

Observation and note: all of the requests have been for fixed blades which surprises me a little. I'll do my best to accommodate, especially for the younger ladies and gents, but for those interested in a fixed blade, I may have to send a folder. I believe I can serve the 3 younger ladies and gents pretty well with what I have spread out but that only leaves me with 1 or 2 fixed blades depending on what prototypes I scavenge and decide to part with. As you can tell, I didn't make this really formal and organized as I really just wanted to throw it out there and see what happened and I'm delighted that at least a few will be heading to a younger generation.

If you simply don't want a random folder, please let me know. I'll figure out how to handle that later.

Thank you all so far for the interest.
Mossyhorn Mossyhorn is the Thursday winner.

Thank you for playing.

Everyone who has already entered will be entered into the next day's drawing. I was going to ask people to post again each day but that's too hard for me to track on my spreadsheet with the post numbers, random number generator and who's getting which knife and I want this to be fun for me too.

Ladies and Gents, I have 3 fixed blades claimed but I did some better digging through my cabinets and desk space and I have several more still so I can get something out to people that they'll hopefully enjoy. It's free so that has to be enjoyable too right?

And just to reiterate, if you know someone under 21 who would enjoy a free knife let me know and I'll try to find something that they can use and enjoy among the offerings I have. This is outside of the standard drawing process because I want to further our hobby and passions to the younger generation(s) :).
I guess I can be greedy and throw my name in the hat, too -- it would not break my heart if a RAT2 or something similar showed up in my mailbox someday.
as a southpaw, framelocks are generally not my favorite, but I've had good luck with liner locks, back locks, etc...
My youngest boy is into knives and watches, and his big brother is into knives and flashlights.

Youngest is a fixed blade afficianado, big bro is a folder freak.

Put me in, I'll surprise one of these blokes if I win!