Cleaning my SAK and found this?

No need. i believe you. 😇👍
Strange the clearances are tighter, but oh well...

Well, I already did it so I might as well post a pic...


This was the tiniest size that I could find. Unfortunately the image doesn't do a good job of conveying how small the ball end is. It's really small. I actually had to try it with a couple of the same size because the little plastic ball kept breaking off when I tried to close the philips. Anyway, yeah. It won't close, sadly.
Well, I already did it so I might as well post a pic...


This was the tiniest size that I could find. Unfortunately the image doesn't do a good job of conveying how small the ball end is. It's really small. I actually had to try it with a couple of the same size because the little plastic ball kept breaking off when I tried to close the philips. Anyway, yeah. It won't close, sadly.
Will a magnet pull the pin out far enough to get holt uv if yer fingernails is cut extra short, or is a sharp knife tip (or an exaco knife) needed to bring it out some?
Will a magnet pull the pin out far enough to get holt uv if yer fingernails is cut extra short, or it a sharp knife tip (or an exaco knife) needed to bring it out some?

Good question. If it's a regular pin then a magnet should work. I'll try it...


Huh. I expected that to work, but it didn't. The pin is attracted to the magnet, of course, but it's too small and probably doesn't have enough iron for the pull to be strong enough to overcome the friction of being in the scale. Plus the magnet wants to go straight for the backspring. The pull from the backspring is too strong. I had to fish the magnet back off of the spring with the plastic SAK toothpick. If you had a bigger, stronger magnet, maybe, but that's probably out of the question with the size of magnet that you would have tucked away somewhere in your SAK. Even then, after having tried it with a quarter inch diameter neodymium magnet, I have my doubts about how successful a larger one would be.

But you know what does work really well? The SAK tweezers. 👍 The tweezers can pick the pin out quite handily.
Good question. If it's a regular pin then a magnet should work. I'll try it...


Huh. I expected that to work, but it didn't. The pin is attracted to the magnet, of course, but it's too small and probably doesn't have enough iron for the pull to be strong enough to overcome the friction of being in the scale. Plus the magnet wants to go straight for the backspring. The pull from the backspring is too strong. I had to fish the magnet back off of the spring with the plastic SAK toothpick. If you had a bigger, stronger magnet, maybe, but that's probably out of the question with the size of magnet that you would have tucked away somewhere in your SAK. Even then, after having tried it with a quarter inch diameter neodymium magnet, I have my doubts about how successful a larger one would be.

But you know what does work really well? The SAK tweezers. 👍 The tweezers can pick the pin out quite handily.
FINALLY!!! An actual use for the slick no grip SAK tweezers!!! 🤯😳😳

I been considering gluing some 440~600 grit Wet Or Dry sand paper to the inner jaws of mine to see if they can hold onto something. 🙄

I never been able to get a grip on a sliver or busted thorn to pullit out with SAK tweezers.
I never been able to get a grip on a sliver or busted thorn to pullit out with SAK tweezers.

That's a good use for the straight pin, though. It's great for getting a splinter out. Ask me how I know. For some reason I get a lot of wood splinters in my fingers.
That's a good use for the straight pin, though. It's great for getting a splinter out. Ask me how I know. For some reason I get a lot of wood splinters in my fingers.

Oh yeah. Works great for small slivers of metal too. In hindsight gloves wouldn’t worst idea
That's a good use for the straight pin, though. It's great for getting a splinter out. Ask me how I know. For some reason I get a lot of wood splinters in my fingers.

I found some "MEDIpoint Splinter Out" in a first aid box at a tractor shop once. It was the best tool ever. I went back later and grabbed 4 or 5 of them.

I don't know if they still make them, that was a long time ago.
Did they add the hole to the knife or has it always been there?

I mean, can you really add a hole?
It was molded into the scale when the scale was manufactured. Not all SAKs have it but a lot do. My oldest ones don't have it, most of yhe newer ones do.