Counterfeit, anyone?

In your last picture, the two knives on the right - where the blade meets the handle - it looks like there are small gaps ?

From the real knives I have seen, the "fit and finish" of the Magnum Tanto XII is very exact. There should be no gaps. I'm am not saying your knives are real of fake. This is just what I have seen with knives I know to be real (seeing them at Cold Steel).
I can't really tell if it's a gap or not.. if it is, it's so small that I can't put through a piece of newspaper through. But yeah it does have like a "dark" spot..

*Edit.. actually it was the ones on the right that have this dark spot.
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Some better pictures of the ricasso area might help and close up knife ends.
I took six more pictures on each one.



They all look legit. Not sure if the one has a gap or it's just shadow. I'd check for light showing through. I also thought I saw a crooked blade in one of the pics. Probably the phone/camera.
They all look legit. Not sure if the one has a gap or it's just shadow. I'd check for light showing through. I also thought I saw a crooked blade in one of the pics. Probably the phone/camera.
What about the blade tip pattern difference in my original post?
What about the blade tip pattern difference in my original post?
It looks like one has a deeper hollow grind than the other. Maybe a mid-production change? They still all look legit to me. They can't seem, to get the pommel and guard right on all the fakes I've seen, not to mention the crappy grinding and BIG gaps between the ricasso and guard.
It looks like one has a deeper hollow grind than the other. Maybe a mid-production change? They still all look legit to me. They can't seem, to get the pommel and guard right on all the fakes I've seen, not to mention the crappy grinding and BIG gaps between the ricasso and guard.

I see.. yeah just to be clear, I was talking about this line below.. in one version (the two on the left), from right to left they go downward more and in the other version they go upward more.

In all the pictures I could find in dealers' website, they all have the "downward" version.

I messaged Cold Steel's support twice last week asking them if it's a production change.. but have not heard anything back. Do you know if they normally respond slowly or something? I wonder what the best way is to contact them?

I see.. yeah just to be clear, I was talking about this line below.. in one version (the two on the left), from right to left they go downward more and in the other version they go upward more.

In all the pictures I could find in dealers' website, they all have the "downward" version.

I messaged Cold Steel's support twice last week asking them if it's a production change.. but have not heard anything back. Do you know if they normally respond slowly or something? I wonder what the best way is to contact them?

Got it. I should have taken a second look before commenting. I have two of these and they both look like the 2nd one (from left). The one's your showing with the upward sweep just look wrong
I see.. yeah just to be clear, I was talking about this line below.. in one version (the two on the left), from right to left they go downward more and in the other version they go upward more.

In all the pictures I could find in dealers' website, they all have the "downward" version.

I messaged Cold Steel's support twice last week asking them if it's a production change.. but have not heard anything back. Do you know if they normally respond slowly or something? I wonder what the best way is to contact them?

Try calling them, I did and got someone. She was very nice and totally clueless. She said some one would call me back but it never happened. I was looking for a replacement sheath of a current production knife. My 3V XII, Japan XII/IX all are down sweep, however to my untrained eye they both look authentic.
Try calling them, I did and got someone. She was very nice and totally clueless. She said some one would call me back but it never happened. I was looking for a replacement sheath of a current production knife. My 3V XII, Japan XII/IX all are down sweep, however to my untrained eye they both look authentic.
Yeah I was a bit surprised to cold steel's support.. I thought at least they would send me a response of some sort..
X xingfan1227 , your photos are intriguing, as what look like gaps at the blade/guard junction (usually a telltale sign of a fake) in the side views seem to disappear in the pictures from the edge and spine views. I'm guessing that those are just tricks of the light/camera.

As for the slight variations in the blade grind and length, they probably can be chalked up to either different manufacturers (we have no idea how many manufacturers supply Cold Steel blades) or a different set of hands on the grinder that day (the blades are ground by hand, after all). Those kinds of subtle differences have been present on occasion in Cold Steel's knives throughout its history, even pre-GSM.

I've ordered plenty of Cold Steel knives directly from Amazon. They were all genuine. You may get counterfeits through Amazon, but, in my experience, you won't get counterfeits from Amazon.

X xingfan1227 , your photos are intriguing, as what look like gaps at the blade/guard junction (usually a telltale sign of a fake) in the side views seem to disappear in the pictures from the edge and spine views. I'm guessing that those are just tricks of the light/camera.

As for the slight variations in the blade grind and length, they probably can be chalked up to either different manufacturers (we have no idea how many manufacturers supply Cold Steel blades) or a different set of hands on the grinder that day (the blades are ground by hand, after all). Those kinds of subtle differences have been present on occasion in Cold Steel's knives throughout its history, even pre-GSM.

I've ordered plenty of Cold Steel knives directly from Amazon. They were all genuine. You may get counterfeits through Amazon, but, in my experience, you won't get counterfeits from Amazon.

Thinking the "gaps" are just shadows, due to the edges being rounded off a bit instead of square. If you look close at those spine/edge shots for 3 and 4, you can actually see the little sideways "V" on each side, like >-----<.

Overly rounded edges/corners are also a sign of fakes, but these are so minor I wouldn't worry about it, especially since everything else looks right.

View attachment 1765666
X xingfan1227 , your photos are intriguing, as what look like gaps at the blade/guard junction (usually a telltale sign of a fake) in the side views seem to disappear in the pictures from the edge and spine views. I'm guessing that those are just tricks of the light/camera.

As for the slight variations in the blade grind and length, they probably can be chalked up to either different manufacturers (we have no idea how many manufacturers supply Cold Steel blades) or a different set of hands on the grinder that day (the blades are ground by hand, after all). Those kinds of subtle differences have been present on occasion in Cold Steel's knives throughout its history, even pre-GSM.

I've ordered plenty of Cold Steel knives directly from Amazon. They were all genuine. You may get counterfeits through Amazon, but, in my experience, you won't get counterfeits from Amazon.

I see, thanks for the input
Thinking the "gaps" are just shadows, due to the edges being rounded off a bit instead of square. If you look close at those spine/edge shots for 3 and 4, you can actually see the little sideways "V" on each side, like >-----<.

Overly rounded edges/corners are also a sign of fakes, but these are so minor I wouldn't worry about it, especially since everything else looks right.

View attachment 1765666
Yeah I couldn't really conclude anything from those spots. The only thing that stood out to me was that for 3 and 4 (on the wide sides), there is a black line at where the blade meets the guard, almost like there is welding.
Thinking the "gaps" are just shadows, due to the edges being rounded off a bit instead of square. If you look close at those spine/edge shots for 3 and 4, you can actually see the little sideways "V" on each side, like >-----<.

Overly rounded edges/corners are also a sign of fakes, but these are so minor I wouldn't worry about it, especially since everything else looks right.

View attachment 1765666
Yeah I couldn't really conclude anything from those spots. The only thing that stood out to me was that for 3 and 4 (on the wide sides), there is a black line at where the blade meets the guard, almost like there is
Agreed with the above two posts. Also, I’ve seen some variation in how some cold steel tantos transition from the hollow grind to the flat.
Still wish I could get a confirmation from cold steel.

Also would like to mention that I have seen another xii (not one of the four) where the blade is shorter but the grind line is sweep down. So the two do not always go with each other. I guess it's another clue that it may not be counterfeit.
First, let me say - Thank you Cold Steel for providing this information here on this forum - the information is Very helpful. I hate seeing ALL of the different fake knives on ebay, All of the time.

I love CS knives and all of their different products - I know that the fakes damage CS's reputation enormously.

Could you tell the forum, besides the advice to not buy from ebay, what is CS doing to actively remove the fakes that are currently for sale on ebay ?

It seems, that I see the Exact same Sellers, year after year, selling the same Fake knives:

As a member reported on Oct 20th, fake AD-15. Same Seller (?), still being sold. One Seller, listed as being on ebay since 2012, has sold ( 22 ) fake AD-15.

Other examples sold all of the time - Rajah black blade (and many various others), first-generation AK-47 (with flipper), Magnum Tantos, ETC.

As just a collector - personally contacting ebay, on the phone and through their 'report a fake' online system - Nothing is done, the knives are not removed. I used to report every obvious (cold steel never made the model or the AK-47 flipper, or just really bad fit & finish) fake I saw. Ad cliché here - but most appropriate is, when dealing with ebay about this problem - spitting into the wind.

Again, thank you CS. And, if you would send me the lineup information for 2020 now, that would be great.
Serious as the fake products are from China (AliExpress / Alibaba) the worst is that the ChiComs have been counterfiting US Dollars and Euros for decades. They even use the same paper. State-sponsered. Estimates are that CCC produces somewhere between $1B and $3B PER YEAR - meaning that approximately 20% of all dollars and euros circulating worldwide a genuine-fakes. Not detectible with a yellow pen or any common commercial test. Only a few certified labs with atomoic sceptroscopy can attempt it. I hate fiat currency for that any many other reasons.