CPK Pet Thread

I couldn't get these two to sit still together for a pic so solo shots for now.

Asha and Charlie, a couple from the pack.


a bird. They are without a doubt the absolute worst type of pet anyone can have.
Boy, howdy, you got that right. Noisy, messy, destructive, did I mention noisy? And while we're talking about their better traits, I need to add that the larger ones can do some serious damage to one's person. Mango is beautiful, and I think that appearance is one of the attractive nuisances that persuades us to be bird keepers.

I've got a Moluccan Cockatoo and a Yellow Nape Amazon, both confirmed males. I had the Amazon for probably 8 - 10 years before getting the Cockatoo, and I'd been bit a few times during the course of interaction with him. The Amazon has always been standoffish. "Feed me, and leave me alone. Oh, and you can feed me, then leave me alone." The Cockatoo just the opposite - "touch me, scratch me, pull on my tail, I don't care, just give me attention. Oh, and you can feed me, too." Until one day he wasn't. Nailed me on the hand with a bite I will never forget. To this day I can find the scar where his lower beak (that's the really dangerous one, despite looking more benign than the hookbill) entered the palm of my hand. Back of the hand carried a scar from the hookbill for a long time, but it seems to have joined all the others. Changed my whole outlook on bird bites, however.

The cockatoo could very well outlive us. My wife's solution is to find someone we hate and will the bird to them.
Boy, howdy, you got that right. Noisy, messy, destructive, did I mention noisy? And while we're talking about their better traits, I need to add that the larger ones can do some serious damage to one's person. Mango is beautiful, and I think that appearance is one of the attractive nuisances that persuades us to be bird keepers.

I've got a Moluccan Cockatoo and a Yellow Nape Amazon, both confirmed males. I had the Amazon for probably 8 - 10 years before getting the Cockatoo, and I'd been bit a few times during the course of interaction with him. The Amazon has always been standoffish. "Feed me, and leave me alone. Oh, and you can feed me, then leave me alone." The Cockatoo just the opposite - "touch me, scratch me, pull on my tail, I don't care, just give me attention. Oh, and you can feed me, too." Until one day he wasn't. Nailed me on the hand with a bite I will never forget. To this day I can find the scar where his lower beak (that's the really dangerous one, despite looking more benign than the hookbill) entered the palm of my hand. Back of the hand carried a scar from the hookbill for a long time, but it seems to have joined all the others. Changed my whole outlook on bird bites, however.

The cockatoo could very well outlive us. My wife's solution is to find someone we hate and will the bird to them.
I have a nice scar on my thumb from a Sulfur Crested Cockatoo. Luckily, I moved my thumb just when he clamped down so he missed the bone. A tenth of a second later and the results would have sent me to the ER!
We see lots of cats and dogs in this thread, and rightly so. They are awesome!

But, time for another type of pet; a bird. They are without a doubt the absolute worst type of pet anyone can have. They make a mess out of anything they touch, and poop on everything that they can! I believe their poop comes in at about 52 on the Rockwell C scale! If you have never had a bird as a pet, then don’t. Be happy with your decision.

So, here’s Mango. Mango is a 24 year old Sun Conure, and we’ve had him/her since he/she got feathers. Never listen to your kids when deciding on a type of pet! Because sometime the kids will leave and be on their own, but the pet stays. And so does the mess!

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We never knew if Mango was a boy or girl, and really didn’t care. But, after 24 years, Mango answered the question a few weeks ago.

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Way to go Mango!
24 years and that measly little runt of an egg is the best she can do? That has to be the poorest excuse for a chicken that has ever existed.
Taking the dogs to Wyoming to get their teeth cleaned and Gus is getting neutered.
2 hour drive, but saves me a bundle of cash and the vet there is better.
Wish me luck and clear roads!
Well, that is probably best, as I have been worried about Gusbuster Gusbuster blowing his nuts off for sometime now with his junk carry. I don’t know how you convinced him to go all the way to Wyoming to have it done though? You must be one smooth talker.