Craig, Blackdog,- Can anyone tell us what is happening here?

Feb 13, 2000
I have been interested in finding out what is happening with this forum/and Gurka House. I realize that Craig is a Marine officer in the reserves, and may have been made active,But.
Is there no one out there ie. moderators that can let us know how things are going. There have been several requests by people about their WWW3's that money was put down on,etc. No answers. Is anyone home? If not I guess I'll turn out the lights on my way out.
I do hope that we hear some word though!
If no one is going to tend to this forum it should be suspended untill it can be tended to properly. It is just wasting space the way it is now.

Anyone care to moderate this untill Craig or Blackdog gets back? How bout Lt.Dan!

Sorry for the missunderstanding and poor choice of words earlier.
I, for one, am not ready to give up on this forum just yet. What are you so eager to see this "space" used for instead?
I am not willing to give up on Craig either. He is good people and should be afforded a chance. As has been mentioned, he may have been called up to active duty, and be off serving OUR country. That is a task that I appreciate. Let us wait and see. I have the time.
I reviewed several pages of your posts and found that you were an active participant in the Himalayan Imports, Busse Combat, Chris C.'s Urban Jungle, and Chris Reeve forums. I didn't find evidence of your previous participation in this forum, so I have to question your motives for posting. Spark is the one who pays for the space here, and if he finds it to be wasted will, no doubt, exercise the appropriate financial judgement. Bill doesn't neeed shills.
Austin, Texas

Khukuri collector and friend of Bill Martino and Craig Gottlieb
No, No I didn't mean to sound like I wanted this removed, it would just be nice to see it tended to, sorry if I sounded a little mad. It makes sense to me if there is a forum it needs to be moderated and tended to out of respect to the members and to keep quality up. It also sounds like a few folks paid money awhile back and still have not gotten a product or a call about what is going on, this is no way to do business! I know Craig is probibly out there doing an honorable job serving in the Armed Forces but where did Blackdog go and if they can't take care of there forum someone needs to step up to bat for them untill they can make it back. If I was better with computers and knew more about the subject I would love to be a moderator!

Berkley, I too am a Khukuri collector and a friend of Bill. I first found out about HI close to 10 years ago and have been buying them ever since. The HI forum is probibly the best on the net and takes up most of my free time. I have only owned a computer for less than a year and in that time I have follow the GH forum but there really has never been more than a few topics at a time and unfortunately I've only seen a few posts by a moderator so that is why I never got into it. I would like to see this forum get off the ground again because quality khukuris are dying off and this was one of the last places you could get them. Unfortunately this is not going to happen without a steady moderator.
I'm sorry I misunderstood your first post. I share your concerns about this forum, and would like to see it re-energized.
Berkley, I edited my first post. Sorry about that. Sometimes I put myself in other peoples shoes and get angry about the situation and state things in anger that I shouldn't.

Lt. Dan used to be here alot but I haven't seen him for a little while. He was kind of moderating for a while. Maybe he could be commissioned(sp?) to be GH's new moderator?

If I remember right wasn't there talks about you Berkley being the GH moderator? You know what your talking about! If you have the time maybe you could give it a shot!?

Or maybe it was N2S, I forget!!!
Chris, I have a tendency to shoot myself in the foot and regret it later, so please excuse my rantings. I wish I had the time to moderate a forum, but personal and business obligations make it impossible. N2S?
I wish I could be definitive but I can't. I spoke with Craig in August. He said he had moved from Virginia to California and was involved with something else. He wasn't specific. He was interested in finding a new owner for Gurkha House. I decided not to pursue that. We had delisted his products from our site in July because our orders weren't being filled and I hadn't had any luck contacting him. Then he called out of the blue in August to give me the information I mentioned above. That is literally all I know and I'm not going to speculate on anything that I don't know. I liked doing business with Craig and thought he was an aggressive and effective entrepreneur. I have no reason to think otherwise today. Sorry I couldn't tell you more.
I was one who had posted about an ordered WW III that I had put money down on. The last communication I got from Craig was six months or more ago saying that the last batch had gone out for sheaths. When I tried to email about a month ago, it came back as undeliverable. I just tried the phone number and its been disconnected. Now I'm getting concerned after reading Fred's post. Was Mike Sastre making the sheaths? Maybe he could tell us if the last batch were done and what happened to them. I think I have been more than patient since it has been over a year since I sent it my deposit. Anybody have any ideas?

Craig posted on 10-25-2001 03:02 PM CST,
Due to all the recent upheaval in my life, and due to Al's workload, we're looking for a moderator who can run our forum here.
N2S replied that he was interested but had been unable to make contact by email; there was never a reply. If he got posted to Afghanistan, it was apparently on very short notice. It's a mystery to me.
Well that reduces the mystery a little. I do remember Craig telling me once that he is collector of German military knives. Take care.
Looks like he is holding a raffel and it looks like he is the founder of German Daggers? I wonder why he is not checking up on this forum?:confused:
It appears that Craig HAS moved on. I for one am very disappointed in the way this has transpired. I personally believed in Craig plus half of my khukri collection was purchased from him. To leave people in the dark without an explanation is not honorable. I may not have posted much on this site but I was one of Craig's earliest supporter. Oh well, life goes on. Joe Mc