Cross Draw carry sheath, for a fixed blade

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Thanks for the post, I learned something and think I'll give this one a try soon.
You guys are too kind, much thanks all,
Outstanding work on that great looking and well made sheath. I'm sure it will last long to protect the beautiful blade.
Sorry folks this thread has caused an infraction to be emailed to me via a moderator on the forums for not having the proper title to my name, as a maker, which making a helping tutorial seems an odd thing to be hit with, plus being a 5 year old thread ??
So I'm closing this thread so no more harm is done and that in another 5 years someone else offers thanks at my helping to show how doesn't cause another infraction to be administered.
Good luck folks and for those I've helped by sharing, you are most welcome

Edited to add that the infraction was reduced to 0 and an apology was pm'd to me so that was kind of she's open back up ;)
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Photos were on the PhotoBucket website which ended up going down and many people lost all of their photos, so that’s why they are not showing
Hi S Silzenna I dug up the old images and put those in my Flickr page so you can see what that cross draw sheath looks like and some of the planning and work it took to make it.

Photobucket hurt a large number of people back in the day, myself included as I didn't have all the images saved on any hard drive, just relied on them being a sound place to store. That was a bad decision and one to others might learn from as well.
Someone asked about the other images that were not showing up, so I did likewise and dug them out of photobucket and added them to my flickr account so they should be visible now
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