Cruwear/Thanks Brand, Bad Ass Slicer Give Away

Crag the Brewer

I make Nice, boring knives
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2018
*Start off by saying this knife is USED.

*It's CPM Cruwear
*It received the high end specialty heat treatment that I can sometimes get. Including actual Cryo. (Details discussed privately)

This is a large handled edc slicer.
I named the handle design "Long Paw" if you have dinky hands, this knife may not be what you are looking for.

It comes with a reclaimed/recycled kydex sheath. The sheath was not originally made for this knife. I dug it out of my scrap pile, heated it up, and shoved the knife IN. Yes, it's probably crappy.
But I saved it from going into a landfill.

We are all doing our part ...haha.

Last year, I was going through some stuff, and this knife was a nice distraction. It's a special knife.
I made it for a Pass A Round knife so people could test out what a high end fixed blade made with Cruwear was like, as there aren't too many out there..... Lots of info in this link. Please read. Thread 'Cruwear Pass A Round ......THANKS!'
-Lots of You participated. Thank You.

Now, I want to Give it away, I prefer giving knives away. Seems that they are better That way, haha.

1. Must be in good standings on Bladeforums. Preferable Gold member or higher, but exceptions may be made at My discretion.
2. USA, or approved
3. Must be a active member who contributes, and will take photos, and post occasionally so I know how it's doing? If you won't or can't post pictures please do not enter.
4. No selling later. no Flippers. Giving to another BF member encouraged if you no longer want.
5. I have final say, and can give, or Not give to whoever I want.
6. I'm Not responsible in ANY way, don't break any laws, get hurt, or be Stupid.
7. More rules may be added later, as I see fit.

enter Once below in the comments (tell me you are IN) so I know you are interested.....
Let me know if you have any questions?

If you participated with this knife feel free to chime in....
If you are an owner of Thanks knives, it's ok to celebrate with pics Here as well

Caveat....idk what the knife looks like?
I don't have the knife. It's still in the process of being sent back/returned to me. I wanted to start this early as I want to give it away on May 8th. Let's shoot for 6pm central time. I'll do it the same as we did on last Thanksgiving during that give-away I had my kid pull names out of a hat. That worked out good!

(I was going to automatically enter all reviewers, but some of you may not have liked it? Lol)

You Must post below saying that you are IN.

I may post more rules as I feel needed.
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Oh man!! I always was drawn to that one. I’d be in for the GAW if acceptable. (Canadian, sorrry.) lol. Plus, I’d finally get to check out your work!

Thanks for the chance. Good luck to all! It’s a mighty fine looking knife.
I'm in!

I entered your Thanksgiving GAW, but I worried at the time that I wouldn't actually make use of the knife if I won. I have no such worry with this knife. I have XL hands, and this looks like a great fit, and a style that can be used in a variety of settings. I'm in and I hope I win!