Custom order books are closing (moved to Dec. 1st)

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I ordered one custom blade a couple months ago and just put one order in early this morning. Glad that I got it in before the November 30th deadline. These will be my first two AA Forge blades.

Thank you for the orders!

I just put up an order update page on my web site and I plan to have it updated very soon. This will be the best way for me to keep everyone updated on where I am with the custom orders.
Just placed an order for a few. Glad I stumbled across this thread tonight, I think I just snuck in under the wire. All sneaky like.
I want to thank everyone who has ordered a custom from me! Early next week I’m going to start an update thread laying out exactly where the orders stand. I have also added a order status page to the web site which will also be updated next week. The plan is to keep what batches I’m working on updated on that page.

Also, I’ve had several requests to leave the books open open until tomorrow so I think I will. The books will be closed tomorrow night (12/1/17) at 12:00 midnight EST.

I’ve taken everything that’s been said to heart and I’m improving everthing I can. I’ve also got some help in the shop now which should help me get through the orders faster while still making a good number of available knives to pay the bills. I’ve got a lot of big things coming and I hope you guys like them!

Once again, thank you to all of you guys for your support, I couldn't do this without you!
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I received my custom Snubnose order today and I'm speechless; what craftsmanship !

A question circulated on this forum awhile back asking if the knife was worth the wait? The answer is yes, absolutely.
The order took just as long as the suggested time indicated. It may have taken a little longer ( perhaps 3-weeks or so) but given the attention to detail, time of year, and most importantly - family obligations, made this a painless exception.

Adam also addressed what some have complained about which is communication. When i felt i needed a question answered or a status update on my order, He always responded within a day or two. By even recognizing communication may need to be adjusted on his part from customer request, shows how serious Adam takes his business.
I never met him, perhaps never will, but i will be a returning customer once the books re-open because the end result was worth the wait.

I hope this helps those that are waiting for their orders and helps Adam with what should be an award winning business. I also suggest following Adam on his Instagram account ; you'll be able to recognize your knife in production.

Happy Holidays all,
-- Tom --
Adam, I’m a fan to say the least. BUT, asking for prepayment like this isn’t the best way. Keep us repeat customers in mind as I never pay down. Plus I want another knife. You gonna work with us repeat customers?
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Adam, I’m a fan to say the least. BUT, asking for prepayment like this isn’t the best way. Keep us repeat customers in mind as I never pay down. Plus I want another knife. You gonna work with us repeat customers?

I have a few things planned, but I’m still working out all of the details. Thank you for all of your business!
Worth the wait bro. I love my Blades. Always take care of the folks who made you.

I made that statement while I was frustrated, and to be honest I wish I didn’t. Everyone of you guys who have bought knives from me mean a lot to me because I couldn’t do this without you. The whole situation with the steel being out of stock for so long and putting me so far behind has me frustrated because I take this very seriously and when I’m behind I feel like I’m not doing you guys right on my end.
By the way, just to give everyone an update. All the blades I sent out for heat treat last month just came in yesterday, so expect to see some orders getting finished very soon!!!!!
One man shop & a national market is always going to be tough. Andy stopped taking custom orders because it became too much. I love his knives but hate the Friday batch sales because I am never fast enough ;) so I buy second hand allowing the fastest sharks to reinvest :)
I actually like the way you open books until you hit a saturation point and then close them. Pay up front VS half/half- I kind of like half/half as it protects you but not such a strain but then it also adds to your time collecting the 2nd half later- so I accept all up front.
I have three on order, am VERY excited but the wait will be forgotten once in hand and the knives are mine forever :)

I’ve only handled one of your knives and loved it. Ultimately sold it because the blade shape and grind wasn’t for me. I did order a custom and wish I had ordered more while the books were still open. I don’t mind paying in full but I find all the options a bit overwhelming since I’m trying to picture all the handle colors as I try to choose. I hope I can snag an available one if you make any of the models I’m hunting for.

Keep up the hard work I look forward to using your knives.
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