David Mary Multi-alloy run, CPM-3V, AEB-L, 15N20 - Open to ROFR orders

David Mary

pass the mustard - after you cut it
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jul 23, 2015
Before I share these designs, remember that I am always willing to further customize a design for you by material removal from profile to change blade shapes or reduce blade length, etc. So if you think to yourself oh if only that blade were an inch shorter or half an inch narrower, or that handle a bit more neutral I’d grab it, don’t hesitate!

Now with no further ado,

This is a very special run. In this run, I will be making my first knife in CPM-3V, the Prevex, which is based on the Prevail model that a good number of you own and love. This new base model of this new design has a 1/4" longer blade, and jimping instead of a thumb ramp.

The EDChef and EDChef XL have been slightly redesigned for this run, and possibly going forward. I have the CAD files saved on my computer as "cutting board lover edition" 🤣. Basically, the EDChef was originally meant as an EDC knife that could excel at food prep better than other EDC knives on the market, given its tall blade and thin grind. I gave it a fairly aggressive forward rake so that it would have good cutting leverage for EDC tasks, and its secondary role of food prep could be accomplished by a pinch grip that did not wrap the fingers around the handle.

But I have found that most feedback regarding the EDChef has been from folks using it in the kitchen, hence my decision to redesign it by canting the handle up a few degrees. It will still be very useful for EDC, but now even more kitchen oriented than ever. EDChef and EDChef XL in 15N20 only this time around.

EDChef XL.jpg

And the return of a slightly refined TeenyChef as well, this one in both alloys:
Originally a one-off made from a 15N20 off-cut, the Sirupetite (that is to say, a smaller tribute to the Southeast Asian Sirupati) received lavish praise from Empire Outfitters representative R RSL19 , and this is a subtly refined design loosely based around our conversations about it.

I was asked if 1/8" is too thick for the kitchen. Depends how it is ground. Whether you grab this for an outdoor knife, kitchen knife or something to split the difference, I will of course grind it accordingly. ;)

K-Slick XL.jpg

And sometimes I just can't help myself:

I do know what is last, at least so far, unless there are any surprise or last minute additions to the run. Remember Wharnificent? Well it will soon have a slightly bigger baby brother.

Those asking for a dagger: I still have a few dagger options in stock. Velargo in 3/32” AEBL and a couple of the long skinny 8670 thrusting ones. If you’re after one of those or a mod of one of those or something new, please message me and we can figure it out.
Barax is 5/32" not 5/16" by the way. I mislabeled it, correcting it now. 5/16" would make it way too clunky and ridiculous, and not a good knife at all
Those asking for a dagger: I still have a few dagger options in stock. Velargo in 3/32” AEBL and a couple of the long skinny 8670 thrusting ones. If you’re after one of those or a mod of one of those or something new, please message me and we can figure it out.

Do you have a link to pictures of either of those? I'm interested in seeing them.
David: Are prices listed in another thread, or should I send you an email inquiry?