Did some hiking with my Sierra Scout

Mar 18, 1999
Still loving it after all these years :thumbup: And it just looks better and better with age (unlike me :D)

Glad to see it is still needed:thumbup: Looks great too:thumbup:

Heck yeah I still really love using this knife, fits me like a glove and takes a beating too!
That's the way a knife should look!

Yeah, for some (myself included) there'll probably always be a few 'purdy' or collector blades in the safe, but the older...ahem, I mean the more seasoned I get, the more I see that life is for living and doing what you enjoy.

Time spent in the outdoors camping/hiking/etc where you actually USE knives is a good thing. Each 'character' mark on a knife tells a story--the more stories the better. Get out and use that gear!!

I'm looking forward to my first excursion with my NWA here hopefully in the near future.

I will always love getting and using new knives too, just part of being a knife nut. But there's something special about finding "the one". This thing literally has hundreds of miles of trails under it's belt. All the patina, every scratch and the wear on the handle just reminds me of good times in the woods :thumbup:
You know, you were right, it really does sorta remind you of a well-worn leather jacket :D

Nice! :thumbup:
It really does! I know I could have wiped it down more and probably have kept it looking shinier for longer, but I like the rust protection of the patina and I really love the character it carries.
T, have you had any problems with the exposed tang and rust? I'm trying to figure out if I should go ahead and blue the exposed tang on mine. I haven't had any issues yet; I'm usually pretty good about wiping down and drying at the end of the day.
When it was newer it would get a rust freckle here and there from sweat, but they always wiped right off. Now the tang is pretty gray too so it hasn't happened in a while. If you haven't seen it yet, I bet i will be okay. I'm lucky in that it's really dry here so red rust never seems to be a problem.
Yeah, I've only ever had a few minor dots here and there, like you've experienced. They usually do come off with a little wiping/scrubbing. Nothing I've had to take flitz to yet.

But, I did get a little rust on the blade once. I guess it hadn't dried enough before I wiped it down with mineral oil and put it away. Just surface stuff though; it came off easy enough.

I'll hold off on bluing for now. Thanks for the info :thumbup:.
I wonder if it's because it's more humid/rainy up north? I'm not sure, but I'm lucky with carbon steel. I know in wet areas O1 can rust if you look at it wrong :D
Could be, we've had a few humid days up here this year. *shrug*

I dread maintenance if/when I move back home to Hawai'i.... Maybe I can get Nick to make me another in CPM154 or something :D