DPx Gear HEST F Proto Pics and overview

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Jan 22, 2010
All right guys,

For all of you that haven't received your HEST F just yet here are more pictures of the Production Prototype.

It seems that the production model have been over shadowed by the LE versions even though far more people will end up with it. Tomso has been true to his word and sent me his prototype for me to play with. I was fortunate enough to play with the final version at LionSteel's booth during Shot Show but I did not spend much time on it.

This version is a PROTOTYPE and therefore comes much rougher. I won't be overly picky on points that could be improved on it. As far as I know that might have been addressed anyway. SO instead here are a few pics with some comments.

I will also shoot a vid and post it on YT. IT WILL BE IN FRENCH so if you want the English version here is the best place or else read the text box below the vid (in a few hours time)

Without further due:

Not too keen on the way the clip is held

Blade centering not perfect (but it was on the prod models I saw)

The feel in hand is very good. The opening is fast enough (not lightning fast like a PPT, most Spydercos or Benchmades but still good). The bottle opener's "secret function" works very well indeed ;)
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thanks for the pics Monsieur!

cant wait for the video (even though it is in french ;) )
It's a very nice looking tool !

I am happy to be on the waiting list for the 2nd run of February or March. The time is long...

Merci pour ces photos m'sieur ! ;)
Monsieur, the final DPx HEST folder is much different. Pivot, alignment, fit, hardware, jimping, finish etc.

I am wondering where you got the prototype from? It did not come from DPx Gear.

I got it from Tom as I mentionned it in the text above. Again this is not a review as I also stated that this was a prototype and it would not be fair to make remarks on things that could be changed by the time the knife hits the shelves.

Finally I will repeat myself by saying that the final version that I held at Shot Show was far better in any ways you can think of. Anyone on any waiting list will be overwhelmed by so much goodness

I got it from Tom as I mentionned it in the text above. Again this is not a review as I also stated that this was a prototype and it would not be fair to make remarks on things that could be changed by the time the knife hits the shelves.

Finally I will repeat myself by saying that the final version that I held at Shot Show was far better in any ways you can think of. Anyone on any waiting list will be overwhelmed by so much goodness

Much Better! ;)

Thanks for the pics Monsieur! I'm even more anxious to get mine now. :thumbup:
That thing looks sweet nonetheless, I can't wait till I get mine. I'm threatening my mailman every day until it arrives, checking his pockets and stuff.
That thing looks sweet nonetheless, I can't wait till I get mine. I'm threatening my mailman every day until it arrives, checking his pockets and stuff.

They don't deliver knives to the 510 area code anymore... It's coming to my place. I'll give you a deal on it though.

just curious, because i'm not up to speed on all the Spidey models, but what is the one on the bottom?
I watched the video and wondered if the Sterile LE's have LionSTEEL on the knifes inside facing bottom spacer, as we see in the production model?

Or is the Sterile LE missing the LionSTEEL logo?

Our italian artisans really have an eye for artful design, and this (and the SR1's) settles it.

They also design some incredible shifter kart chassis (and road racers in general)!

Viva Italia!
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