Durba Janawar Katne for sale-one of 2 ever made...

Oct 16, 2000
Something has come up and I need to sell off some swords. But the JK will not be one of them. It is far too special and I can't believe I even considered it.

nevermind....just though of something else I can sell instead of this prized sword

I totally feel your pain. :) :(
You have no idea how many times that several of my swords have ended up on this board, ready to be sold off just to have me back out at the end.

Corpus Callosum definately helps make for some interesting arguments between the logical and emotional sides of the brain, doesn't it.. :)
Is this the one with the magic blade? I know they are all magic but I recall this one or perhaps another you have doing something magical.
What was I thinking? there is no way I will ever let go of the JK...

As for the magic blade, that is the old tarwar from the days of BirGhorkha yore. The JK posseses the magic of being the most perfect looking piece that I've ever seen come out of HI, that includes all the pictures I've seen as well as pieces I've handled. The only one that comes close is Durba's first AK.


Yeah... Durba's fist ak *is* magical. It is the piece that I show to ppl when I really want to show the quality that comes out of Birgorhka.
Every kami will have a day when he can do nothing wrong and when he does this is what you get. We all have days like this -- and then we have the others.