Farid Mehr F.M.P BOHLER K390 list


Knife Maker
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 26, 2010
F.M.P (Farid Mehr Performance)BOHLER K390 Double Ground
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I really do not overly like frame locks....... Half the time they look half doneπŸ€”, too me anyway!!!!

But this.model tempts me!!!!! Very good looking!! All around.....360Β° beautyπŸ‘..

Nice work. Sir!!!πŸ‘Œ
I really do not overly like frame locks....... Half the time they look half doneπŸ€”, too me anyway!!!!

But this.model tempts me!!!!! Very good looking!! All around.....360Β° beautyπŸ‘..

Nice work. Sir!!!πŸ‘Œ
Hi JFK, thank you sir, it literally takes days to contour the titanium from 5.2mm to a shape which is insanely nice to hold, it takes time to chamfer all the edges not just the titanium but the whole Blade. I would recommend that you go back months ago on my instagram account and look at the Building of the first batch of 32 F.M.P (Farid Mehr Performance) which I made last year ( I still have I think 4 left chisel ground) there is around 80 operations to carry out, all done by myself, it took 3 entire months full time to build 32 of them. I don't have cnc.
Anyway I hope you take one, all the best sir.
Farid Mehr
knife maker
Thanks for sharing the info!!! Lot of work and it looks awesome!!!! I don't do social media so Instagram is out......No worries..... I can see the work involved.. I knew you didn't do CNC too! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘....Impressive!!
Thanks for sharing the info!!! Lot of work and it looks awesome!!!! I don't do social media so Instagram is out......No worries..... I can see the work involved.. I knew you didn't do CNC too! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘....Impressive!!
If you are going to take one just copy and past the list below and add your name to the list. All the best sir.
Thank you!!! Not able to at this time....... Ill keep watching thoughπŸ˜‰

Again, Beautiful work!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘