Attention For Those With Exposed Email Addresses

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hovering overhead
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
Firstly, do not respond to any unsolicited emails, which will stop any scam in its tracks...and if you have access to PMs, verify whether the email is from the individual you may be intending to do a transaction with. Only communicate via PMs before sharing any further information.

(If you don't have PMs, it would be prudent having at least a $10 "Basic" membership to protect yourself. I have no financial interest in the site, and derive no income from it. This is not intended as self-serving. Merely another important layer of security for our members.)

While we have been accommodating the removal of members' (exposed) email addresses to the limited extent possible, there are things you can do for yourself...

You can use or create an alternate email address to be associated with your bladeforums account. Once you change your email here on the site, make use of two-factor authorization and ensure that the password you use for both your email account and bladeforums is not used elsewhere. Thereafter, if you receive an unexpected or unsolicited message sent to the old email address, you'll know it may very well be a scam.

We want all of our members to be safe from ne'er-do-wells and fraud, but ultimately you must take responsibility and make prudent decisions in taking steps to protect your accounts and finances online.
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