Forum closing


HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
This forum will close tomorrow COB. It will be moved to the archives section at that time.

I want to thank REKAT for their time and for being a part of the forums family. I wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors, and if you guys need anything, please let me know.

:( a VERY sad forum land. I still think that it's a bad mistake in company policy for REKAT to remove the forum, but ok. Wish you guys the best.
This does not exactly fit into my description of a company looking to further itself in the knife industry. :(

Anyone remember a little company by the name of EDI?
Let's hope that Rekat does not follow their lead.
To bad, just when we were starting to get Bob and Christina to post more often, they are shutting things down. A real shame.

Good luck in your future endevors and get that web site up. We are going to need it to keep track of what is happening at REKAT.
Score another sick victory for the KnifeTrolls :barf: .......
I wonder how many of them work for a competitor in the industry??????

Bob, Cristina, & Spark - Thanks for the ride, and GREAT information while it lasted.

I have had absolutely no problems with either my Hobbit Warrior, HW Trainer, or Pocket HW. Still love to get a Pygmy Warrior:D

Stay Safe and Good Luck!

Pete Reiff
Christina, Bob,
I, for one will miss your forum. I love my two Sifus and will keep them close. I hope that 1SKS gets a huge shipment of all your existing designs when the time comes, as there are more REKATs that I want. I hope your buisiness thrives! Take Care and God Bless!
Christina & Bob, I am sorry to learn that you haven't reconsidered your decision to close the forum at this time. Hopefully, you will come back in the not too distant future. As I've stated numerous times in various forums, I'm very pleased with all of my REKAT products and look forward to buying more in the future. (In fact, I have a new one inbound right now.)

An Internet presence is a double-edged sword for companies and it is an unfortunate fact of human nature that an unhappy minority always makes much more noise than a happy majority. A discussion forum provides a venue for the disgruntled to publicly air their complaints. In addition, the semi-anonymous nature of the medium can embolden some people to act out in ways that they never would in real-time, person-to-person, communications. It also facilitates a mob mentality as others, with nothing new or positive to add, can easily "pile on" with negative "me too" statements just to have something to say.

On the positive side, it gives companies an opportunity to both communicate & actually collaborate with their most dedicated & knowledgeable customers. However, it takes effort in order for it to be a success. A quick story: Many folks cite Spyderco as an example of a company that "got it right" with regard to their Internet presence. However, and I don't know how many people will remember this, it did not start off on a positive note. A couple of years back, before the Spyderco forums existed, there was quite an uproar over Spyderco's MAAP, what some people perceived to be a price fixing policy. Well, in trying to address these concerns, a Spyderco representative used the marketing term "ELU" (end-line-user) when referring to their customers. This was a poor choice of words and actually did more harm than good. People were more upset than ever, feeling that "ELU" somehow objectified them. Rather than hide from the issue, Sal addressed it directly and patiently and a bad situation was ultimately diffused. Today, many folks even use ELU when referring to themselves. This positive turn of events didn't just happen. It took commitment & effort on Spyderco's part. IMO, this is a very important lesson.

Communication takes two parties. Providing a discussion forum for customers without being willing or able to participate on a regular basis is an invitation to disaster. Regardless of how good a product line and customer service may be, when customer questions go unanswered, frustration grows. Frustration, in turn, can lead to anger & that can quickly poison a forum's atmosphere.

As I said at the onset, I hope to see a REKAT presence return to these forums. However, without a commitment to make it work, it's probably better not to have one. Stepping down from my soapbox, I wish you nothing but the very best of luck & I am looking forward to seeing your new models.

Now, about the release date for that light weight Carnie... ;)

Now I feel like I have been picked-up and tossed against a brick wall, and it HURTS. First it was Cold Steel, and now REKAT has given-up on us folks at BladeForums.:(.:(.:(.
