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Gold Member
Oct 15, 1998
A few weeks ago I ordered some KPL.
They sent order confirmation with tracking soon thereafter.
After a week of checking the tracking on and off, it appeared that the shipment just wasn't moving or was lost.
I contacted KPL and they were very apologetic. They took the blame but I think it was really the fault of the USPS.
Anyway, they sent another shipment out immediately AND REFUNDED MY PURCHASE!
Very cool.
Anyway, a few days later, I received the replacement shipment, all 3 weights of KPL; SWEET!
So today, guess what shows up? Yep, the original order, and it's the original and ultra-light weights.
I'm gonna pass on my good fortune to one of you.
Just guess a number from 1-100 and post it here.
Whoever guesses closest, either over or under, gets the 2 bottles of KPL, nice and simple.
I'm gonna make it a short contest just so it doesn't drag on.
Last guess needs to be in at 6 pm, EST tomorrow, Fri at which time I'll announce the winner.
Unless somebody guesses the number exactly at which time I'll end the contest immediately.
I'll contact the winner and get his/her address and get it shipped out some time Sat.
Good luck all.
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