Freedom Hill Coffee - Experiences?


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Nov 16, 2016
Good day ladies and gents, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Freedom Hill Coffee. I recently stumbled onto them from some targeting ad somewhere on social media (forum or facebook) and I like what they stand for and it seems like they're helping to address the same thing that the Mighty Oaks Foundation does, soldier and veteran mental health and suicide.

They're based in Michigan too which is a nice touch. I like coffee so that's another touch. I'm trying to find out more before I reach out to them to throw some ideas their way or just to have a discussion about their company mission, which I like a lot.
never heard of them - how does their platform compare (or differ) from black rifle coffee co?
never heard of them - how does their platform compare (or differ) from black rifle coffee co?

From the best I can tell just from reading what's on their website, Freedom Hill specifies the mission of working towards addressing mental health and suicide by holding gatherings at their farm to help address PTSD and part of all proceeds, 20%, goes to either their program (mission 22 I think is theirs if I'm reading that right) or other charities or programs that intend to address mental illness.

Both companies seem to be vetran-owned and largely veteran-operated.

From Freedom Hill's about page, the business started as a way for people to come together to help reduce suicide after the owner's good friend took his life.

"In honor of Brian and his legacy of service and friendship, I have founded Freedom Hill Coffee Roasters at Freedom Hill Farm - a place where Veterans and First Responders can come to participate in peer-led PTSD therapy and enjoy family-friendly camaraderie, events and recreational activities. A portion of every sale and coffee subscription goes to funding these events and events like them all across the country."

I guess I'm curious if their mission is worth giving to more than some others, worth adding into what I'm already doing, or if just getting into their coffee for the benefit it could do would be good. There's no shortage of charities for veterans but I don't have an extensive list of businesses that do it as part of their existence though I'm aware of several veteran-owned business and coffee roaster even. Iron Bean Coffee was another recommended to me recently.