Getting started with JSP

Jun 6, 2002
I've visited JSP's site a few times and checked out the wares. A fellow forum member got his spinal knife rig for a custom Brend fighter and really loves it.

The knifes seem to have a mottled surface characteristic that is supposed to fool the eye and not yell, "knife handle" - but at the same time offer surfaces that provide a good grip - do I have this correct?

What does the rigger coat add besides the color - is there increased purchase on the handle when gripping it? Does the color cover all the metal so that you just see color and not shiny metal in the handle?

Of the various knives shown, they all look good for close quarters. Is there any one of them that is now considered the "one to have"?

Does the two tone rigger coat bring attention to itself more that just a one-tone coat, or does it tend to hide better?

I'm not keen on a rig at this point; what is an easy carry system that he sells that is easy to go on and off and uses the "hidden in plain sight" aspect of his knives and sheaths with rigger coating?

James has some outstanding designs and makes some incredible knives. The Rigger coat on his SCP's blades are hard to describe (really a good idea to try to handle one), but it does cover the entire handle. I have a couple of his blades and they are carried often. Give James a call, he is a pleasure to talk to and will be more then willing to answer any questions.
i'll make this short and sweet... JUST GET ONE!!! my suggestions would be rigger coated bubble abstract(ask james for a good color scheme) Archangel 1 on a standard associate harness (THAT, would be gorgeous!). it's a shoulder rig. if you don't like the shoulder rig, have him attach a static cord and just stick the thing in your back pocket. the static cord attaches to your belt and when u pull the knife, it holds on to the sheeth. sounds simple, but simple means less chance of murphy stickin his nose in. no matter what, GET ONE, you won't be disappointed. and if for some reason you aren't satisfied, im sure one of us would be willing to buy the knife from u for what you paid for it, i konw i would...

People must be happy with them as you rarely see JSP stuff being resold by forum members.

I'd love to get a shoulder rig, but then I'd have to keep a jacket on all the time, or keep it under a bulky sweatshirt and keep that on.

The static cord idea sounds like it works - it yanks off the sheath.

That multi colored handle, whatever portion sticks out, may wind up looking to some like an ordinary gardening tool handle or a wad of rags or something. Is that the idea?

Is the JSP coating a rubbery-like, non-slip feel over steel surface?

Wasn't the Archangel 1 the first knife in the series? I like the shape of it.
Originally posted by Boink
I've visited JSP's site a few times and checked out the wares. A fellow forum member got his spinal knife rig for a custom Brend fighter and really loves it.

You better believe that I LOVE it!!!!


(more pics here: )

I am a total Bladerigger convert...I can't wait to get my next system!

My particular system has the smooth finish and I did not get the coating on my Brend...however, I will DEFINITELY go for the "bubble" finish (most likely two-tone grey/black) on my next system...I plan to get at least one shoulder rig (two if the Brend hatchet ever comes in :) ) and a neck rig...

estone said it so well, JUST GET ONE!

RL, how do you get images on your post? i've got some really cool stuff you've got to see...

hey estone...

you need to upload your pics to an image hosting site...I use

Then just post your image's URL using the following command:


here's what i wear every day. i usually carry a folder on me, so the knife you see on the back is usually not there. i just like having the option.
the bags hold my jsp checkbook wallet (right) and my cell, palm, and multipliars (left). yes, that's a surefire flashlight on the right side, i can't begin to tell you how often i use it. the thing attached to the rope is just a little red photon light, really handy when i don't need to light up the room.
the second pic is the handle of the great jube (my kali2). i know, i know, oooo, aaaa.


this is the pic James sent me when i wanted to know what a kali2 looked like, its a better pic than i could have taken.


kind of off the subject, but, RL what are the laws there in ontario about concealed carry of knives and firearms? i'm thinking of taking a trip to the falls with my wife and i was wondering what kind of laws i would be up against.

awesome knife!

The law? Well, they tend to "frown" on concealed carry...that having been said, it depends on "your answer"..NEVER say that you are carrying a knife for self defense (at least against humans...dogs are another story :) )

Hey, if you do come to Toronto, I hope you look me up to introduce me to your JSPs :)

Glad you like the Kali 2. That was from a hand drawing I did back in 1999 and gave to James. :)
REALLY! man that thing is a work of art! how did you get it to balance like that, it's got a little chopper in it but still the finesse of a slicer. hats off to you for a beautiful design.

There once was a Gent who was making some rather awesome designs, I believe they were called, "Shikemfa," something like that. His last name was Draper and he was in Utah. He is now deceased.

I really thought his work with edged weapons was very much on the money for the most part.

I sat down with that old issue of Fighting Knives Magazine (that featured this Knifemaker Mr. Draper) as well as some various pictures of Kukri and David E. Steele's old Pacific Cutlery Bushmaster and Fer de Lance he designed...

And put the pencil to paper.

I have another picture around here somewhere of that with a false edge up top for about two inches back as well.

Incorporated James' Sharkfin Guard and fiddled with the pommel a bit to make it easy to withdraw as well as added security on hard swings...

The basic idea was to make a knife that approached the chop of a Kukri but was still very fast, good slasher as well as went to point well.
well, after playing with it a little, i can honestly say you did it! it's a deep cutter too, even when i just slash. hey, do you know what i can use on this steel to keep the rust bug away?

Militec-1, heat the knife up with a hair dryer until it is hot to the touch and apply it sparingly, let it cool and repeat it a couple of times. Won't damage the temper either.