Getting started with Knives, were does the madness stop

Feb 23, 2002
Well it all started this winter. I just wanted to get my knife sharp.
Got some DMT stones. They looked cool, but still could not really get my everyday knife that sharp.
My everyday knife is the blade on a leatherman wave. Not sure if you guys call this a real knife :) but I am lost without mine.
Now searching through ebay one day i see a book call "The Razor Edge book of Sharpening. Now this book helped alot.
Next I get a razor edge guide. Wow, this guide is great, using it with my DMT stones.
Now I'm thinking I got what i want, a sharp knife.
Then i find this knife forum. Now I want more then just a sharp knife.
I want to buy a good knife that I will now beable to keep sharp.
Were does the madness stop :)

How did you get started in knives, through sharpening, collecting?

There is some great reading on this forum!

Welcome to the forum! Can't say where I got started, but I've been carrying a knife since I was a Cub Scout. My experience with Leatherman is that the steel is tough but a crappy edge holder, so you're right to look for a knife that will take and keep an edge. There are so many choices that it's impossible to give any advice, but you'll find a wealth of information here. Enjoy!
...I'm sorry to inform you, but it doesn't stop. You NEED to find a GOOD 12-step program (like AA/NA), and get some help NOW, before you spend ALL of your time and money on this sickness of ours!.:eek:.

"Hi. My name is Dann, and I'm a knifeaholic".:(.
What madness? It's a hobby, it's fun, the knives are pretty, so, so pretty, I love my knives, my knives love me, oh, how happy we will be ... what madness?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa ... :D

In all seriousness (gulp!), you can stop -- but why? Once you find the perfect knife (I know which one it is but it's mine, mine, I say, and you can't have it!) you will only find someone has just designed a better one, anyway.

I've been whittling and working with knives since I was so young I had a knife before I really had anything I needed to do with it. But if you read around the forums for a while, you'll find there really are a few great working designs, and you don't have to spend a lot of money to get the inexpensive versions to start with. The real madness comes in when you realize that there are high-end production and custom knives that just feeeel so much better to hold and fondle and .. uh oh, they're coming to take my keyboard away again >aagh<
Yeah...what they said.

I've just always loved knives, even though I didn't buy my first quality knife until I graduated from high school (Cold Steel Tanto) ten years ago. Most of my friends don't understand the obsession, but I have managed to convert a few. Once you're in, you're in for life.
...get over it. Time is short and there are alot of knives to go.

Started a couple of years ago myself - Spyderco Delica and CS Voyager. Then Benchmade blades. Then Chris Reeves. Now waiting on a Darrel Ralph custom.

Thought I needed to sharpen the blades. Spyderco 201. Then Lee Valley strop and honing compound. Now I am thinking about an Edgepro Apex.

Just give in and enjoy it - and expect a whole lot of other people not to understand except for us.:) :)
For good or bad I found myself in a country that doesn't allow guns so I got into knives at the same time that I had a little extra disposible income. As I've found with most of my addictions there is no cure.
You buy knives until you have decided you have enough (everybody has a different opinion on this one) Then you start upgrading and trading the ones you have for the ones you want. Then you find the PERFECT knife, sell and trade everything you have to get that one. Then you find another PERFECT knife................
and so it goes.............
and goes
and goes! :p ;) :p ;) :p

It is NOT compulsive behavior or an is FUN!! :)
Stop? why would you want to stop? i've only been buying knives for a few months, started with a Cold Steel SRK, then a Ka-bar 1245, then a CS kobun, CRKT M16-03Z, CRKT M18, BK&T Patrol Machete, Custom 4" Fixed blade, etc. It just keeps going, oh and i bought a sharpmaker 204 and 2 DMT benchstones.
Although the madness is somewhat contageous it definitely manifests itself differently in some than it does others. The form I was infected with led to a buying frenzy of knifemaking equipment some of which I even went so far as to build myself. Nothing has been quite as satisfying as building good knives and selling them! Even though I have made & sold quite a few I feel like each one that leaves is like a child that I am sending off to live with someone else. I always tell them how to treat it and have nearly repossesed one that was treated shabbily (in my opinion). I will never sell that individual another knife. There is no excuse for abuse of an art object. So you see, the madness continues.......Brian