Giveaway - Horween Card Wallet


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Feb 27, 1999
Got some new leather in and decided to make a wallet out of it right away.

Three slot wallet, I make these so the middle slot hold folded cash neatly and the two outside pockets can fit 6-8 cards or as many as you can stuff in there.

Materials - 6oz ! Horween Brown Nut Derby. This is a very heavy duty card wallet. The edges has been finished off with Vernis cognac edge paint.

Thread is .8mm Ritza Tiger thread. It’s made to last.


- just post “I’m in!” Your post is your number and I’ll use a random number generator on Monday night (7/18, 9pm) to pick a winner.

- please keep it to one post, any conversation will make this harder. Pm me with any questions.

- shipping is on me so please US addresses only

- please don’t turnaround and sell it, if you don’t like it give it away to someone

- please confirm receipt of wallet. Just to make sure you got it.

Photos :



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I’d like to enter on behalf of r8shell r8shell .

I love your leatherwork, Frank. My wallet and field notes cover look better every day. Getting nice patina and holding up like a champ.👍
I carry a leather, three-slot wallet daily and it's about time for a replacement. This looks like it would be one heck of an upgrade! Count me in! Thanks for the opportunity. :)
I'm in!
Well isn't this (potentially) fortuitous. I am looking for a new slim leather wallet (my money clip is showing its age), and I was wanting to try a card wallet style. I hope I get to try this one, it looks like a nicely made wallet.