Glad To See It Made It Here!

Hey there. Looking forward to learning more from you ladies.
welcome ladies.
Donna, Jot adopted the Sikh way of life in college many years ago. His name was Lee Keifer before that. He has been written up in many articles and books and his work is excellent. He was also a jeweler before becoming a knifemaker.

Phil. 4:13



Thanks for reminding me to call Ed up! Is he using CPM 3V on your knives?

Please email me with pix of what he did for you. Would love to see them.


AKTI #A000356
Howdy Donna!
Good to see you here! Wish I could've run into you guys at the show- would have been nice to chat- See you here!
Take good care & Welcome!

Runs With Scissors
AKTI# A000107
Donna & Willeen-
I was plesantly surprised to receive Donna's email today with this great news. Donna and Thaddeus were the only reason I even went to KFC anymore. With the sale I wasn't sure what would happen. Thanks to Mike and Spark we can still exchange FMA info on this great forum. Looking forward to continuing the wonderful exchange of ideas.

Mike Melone
Student of Grandmaster Conrad Manaois
Manaois Eskrima
hey donna&willeen,
it is great to have you on the forum. good luck and have fun.
donna it has been a pleasure to talk to you at the nyc show and and i look farward to keep talking with you on the forum.
Nobody tells me anything! I was in the Blade Discussion forum and see a post by Donna Barnas, *Moderator* ??? On Bladeforums?

Glad to see you here, Donna.

' ...and on the Eighth Day, God said: "Murphy, you take over... " '
Hello Donna. Glad to have an opportunity to meet with you in NY. I'd like to be one of the many to congratulate and welcome you and Wileen to the Bladeforums. I look forward to the comments.

Greetings Donna. Glad you made it thru okay at the NY Show.

I' ll bet you didn' t see Jots wellington boots!!

Welcome to the forums. Welcome Wileen.


"To earn a million is easy, a real friend is not."

After using two knives made by Ed in CPM3V I can tell you that you will not be dissapointed with steel or the knife. The one I have now is very basic with a subtle convex grind. I look forward to reading your impression of the finnished product.


Tom Carey
Glad to see the FCA forum survived, Donna. It was great to see you again the other night when you came out for my band's first public performance -- hope you had a good time!

I should be back around here a little more often again.


LOL! Thanks, Donna, for the kind words...

RJ Martin Kozuka in my boot, BM Nimravus on right coin pocket of my jeans (it's comfortable there while I'm thrashing around on the drums). Culloden in waistband on the left (also comfortable while playing due to its thin profile). Hee Hee..the world's most dangerous band ("WHADDYA MEAN YOU DON'T LIKE OUR TUNES?!")...

Jeez, I felt naked with only THREE knives on me! <guffaw>

How about you, Donna? Besides the daggers on your necklace and bracelet (those were really nice BTW), what were you carrying?


Donna..CONGRATS on the move to BF...I look forward to lively posts and threads on the Filipino arts.. Hello was a pleasure to meet you and yours in NYC..
(Donna, my daughter and I all traveled together to the NYC knife show)
Donna feel free to use any chapters or part of my chapters from my upcoming book on ARNIS on the forum...