Got my Buck PCKS 110 yesterday!!!

Aug 17, 2000
Wow, this thing is beautiful. It has red pickbone scales, brass bolsters, no rivets, no fingergrooves, and BG42 for the blade steel. It is razor-freakin' sharp :D

The only flaw is a tiny casting blemish on one bolster that was just barely too deep to be polished out. I'd send it back, but this is a using knife, so it's not worth the hassle.

It's very tight, no blade play whatsoever. When it locks up, it sounds like a bank vault closing. You can hear it from across the room. I brought it to work today to show some coworkers. So far, no shrieks of fear, just oohs and ahs :D.

As soon as I find a way to take a picture, I'll post a link.

Edit: Here's a pic. It's not a good one. I took it with a webcam under office lighting. Lots of glare, etc.


I have owned a 110 for about 36 or 37 years now. Maybe I am going to have to get one of these customized ones. That is a nice knife.