
Oct 8, 1998
Hi! I will be Moderating James' Forum here at BladeForums.Com and I would like to say that I am very excited about this. I am encouraged by this enthusiastic response we have received.

I own a fair amount of this stuff. I have a JSP Custom and Semi-Custom as well as other great JSP Equipment.

You guys can pose questions, if I know the answer, I will answer it ASAP, if not, I will get the answer from James.

If you find ways to use these various defensive items, feel free to list it, even if it ends up being something that the item was never intended to do, I myself would find it very interesting. I am sure everyone else would as well.

Thanks for the response and I will be talking to you folks later.
Hey Don. Not sure what this forum is really about, but I thpought I'd come in and say hi anyways.