Halloween give away and the winner is @gooeytek

Awesome GAW! [Edit: Not an entry. I have won a few GAWs in the past and want to give others the opportunity!]

I have a couple of different summer activities I could report on but will go with this: I submitted my resignation in September for retirement.

This was after 25 years of working with this company. My official last day will be 31Jan2023. Because of holidays, the new year vacation days reset, and current unused vacation days, my last day will be mid-December. It was stressful ,because I wanted to give my team and manager enough time to prepare for my departure, but wanted to wait as long as possible to notify them (especially with my 401K dropping). Luckily HR said they would work with me if I changed my mind.

Looking forward to spending time with my two Granddaughters!
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Thanks very much for the opportunity! I donated blood several times - though it was delayed for a couple of weeks at one point because I got COVID, which was less pleasant than donating blood.
I can see myself slicing some smoked brisket with that knife šŸ˜‰

Took my family to Disney World in August only for us to get sick, cancel the resort package and park tickets, and have a staycation at a nearby hotel while we recovered before our flight home šŸ˜³šŸ˜•

Appreciate the opportunity on this awesome GAW, thank you!
I havenā€™t done one of these yet ( long past due) so please bear with me. Iā€™m giving away a Damascus 5ā€ kitchen knife that is in need of re etching. . To enter post something about what you did this summer. On October 31 Iā€™ll use a random number generator with your post number being your entry. On the first of November Iā€™ll post the winner. Thanks
Summer flew by too fast. I knocked the "Honey-do-list" down a few pages. Still not near completed. Summer usually means outdoor projects such as gardening, landscaping and planning a new attached garage.
Thank you for your generosity sir. This summer was one of the most eventful of my life. July 4 was spent in ICU after I went on a ride with flips, rolls and about a 40' drop. Landing on RR tracks. While in ICU with 9 broke ribs a collapsed lung etc. etc. The surgeon comes in and tells my wife and I that they found Cancer (stage3) when they took a scan. So after surgery and a few weeks in the hospital I go home and after a few complications here and there I have a Port put in and started CHEMO. Man I tell you it's been a summer to remember šŸ˜. Almost made me want to have a drink but I'm on a 10 year streak so I'll hold off. Makes you realize how much we take for granted though. Y'all go hug someone you love while you can.
Sounds like that crash may have saved you in that they found things earlier than they would have otherwise. Here's to your health and quick recovery.
nice knife.

This summer I did not do enough fishing....but,

we did make it to a music festival and made some new friends while there.
volunteered some time at the local state park to build some playground areas for the young people
and took a short trip to AZ for a work conference
Thanks for the generous chance!
Beautiful knife. Is the handle made of Zebrano wood?

This summer I insulated my roof. Happy with that now energy-prices are exploding over here.

Hope overseas entrees are ok.
This Summer I tried snorkelling. Not as easy as I had thought it would be
You have that water compressing your chest that is 2 feet below your mouth if you don't get horizontal as fast as possible. That water pressure squeezing your chest tight, while the air is at the surface and is not compressed, so to snorkel you have to get your chest fairly level with your mouth - that was my hardest issue after jumping into the ocean in Hawaii.
Thanks for the chance at such a cool kitchen knife!

I got my Gall Bladder removed to start the summer. My son and I put new wood on a park bench for my wife. Rest of the summer spent working on tractors and doing yard work.