Hello all and welcome to the Mark Terrell Knives forum. PLEASE READ

Feb 27, 2001
Hey fellow Knife corkies...

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Ren the devils trailboss aka Marks knife bitch. Mark and I have had many hours of fun planning this forum and we are here to make this place fun and informative. Fun first, informative second. So stay tuned and strap on your head gear and please for the love of God keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle while moving.

Remember Mark is the knifemaker...I am his bitch so I will do most of the talking for Mark so that he can keep grinding out evil and wicked things. Picture it sort of like maybe a like a old movie about the Mafia...Im the fat guy in the zoot suit who says...

Mr. Terrell wants you to know that you have a real nice house here....It be a shame if something would ...lets say happen to it ...like a fire or something...

anyway you get the idea...so stand by...I have to go shank an old lady right now..but we will be back soon with more stuff...
I'm just glad to finally get going on this..... I've drug my feet and drug my feet forever.......

I'll start getting things going tonight when I have some "computer (*not internet porn) time"...

Welcome! I just checked out your site and it has a lot of nice pictures and cool information. :thumbup:
Well, I just checked out your site ... and I see some very hard times coming for my checking account. :(
Wow Mark - that Stealth knife of yours is ass-kicking:thumbup::thumbup:
Glad to see you crank up your own forum, Mark ! :thumbup:

Word of advice. . . . .don't let Ren design the entrance again. Restrooms don't make grand foyers. . . .from a Feng Shui perspective. :D
Ha, understood....

The eager lil' fella got here too fast to stop..... We'll just reverse engineer this one.....

Wow Mark - that Stealth knife of yours is ass-kicking:thumbup::thumbup:

Thanks man.... I've got 5 of the ones similar to Ren's (see the picture thread) done and they'll be up here fairly soon...

They'll look similar to this one.....

Welcome Mark great site!
I love that crowd pleaser......

Great to see you on BladeForums. Mark makes some great knives as everyone can see from his site and pics.
Thanks guys....

Glad to see you here Aaron. Aaron's good folks and one of my best customers. He is a Purdue grad, but we won't hold it against him.....:)

Thanks guys....

Glad to see you here Aaron. Aaron's good folks and one of my best customers. He is a Purdue grad, but we won't hold it against him.....:)

Thanks for the kind words. It is easy being a good customer when you are putting out great knives. Besides there are so many that I want it is hard to resist.:thumbup: