How did you come up with you BF user name?

Robert Erickson

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Feb 2, 2014
I'm thinking about changing my user name to my real name. Mostly because my current one isn't clever or original but also because I'm selling on BF now.
It got me thinking...I thought it'd be interesting to start a thread and see how people came up with their BF user name.
For some guys it's obvious in that they use there real name or their business name but most seem to use something else. Did you pick it randomly? Does it have special meaning? Maybe for some guys it's top secret and they won't want to share:eek:

I'll start: A few years ago I wanted to buy a Fiddleback Forge knife and one of the only ways that's possible is to join BF. That's how I came to BF in the first place. I thought I'd buy a knife here and never be on this website again so I just used my initials and hometown. Lame I know. Little did I know that I'd stumbled upon this knife making thing that would become so addicting and fun.
What about you?
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I'm thinking about changing my user name to my real name. Mostly because my current one isn't clever or original but also because I'm selling on BF now.
It got me thinking...I thought it'd be interesting to start a thread and see how people came up with their BF user name.
For some guys it's obvious in that they use there real name or their business name but most seem to use something else. Did you pick it randomly? Does it have special meaning? Maybe for some guys it's top secret and they won't want to share:eek:

I'll start: A few years ago I wanted to buy a Fiddleback Forge knife and one of the only ways that's possible is to join BF. That's how I came to BF in the first place. I thought I'd buy a knife here and never be on this website again so I just used my initials and hometown. Lame I know. Little did I know b
What about you?
I wouldn't sweat the username. Most people pay little attention to it after you're known to the group. And your current one sounds like it makes as much sense as any. Especially on a site this big where some stuff is lost in translation etc. Just sign every post with your real name if you're concerned about it. Like I said, after a short time most people will call you by that anyway.

If we're talking more about business name/trade name, DBA etc.... I read post after post about 'what business name' and 'what touchmark' or 'what logo' should a person use. To me? That is about like telling someone what brand of coffee they should drink. What kind of car they should drive. What type of underwear they should wear. Pick something personal to you that represents you and means something to you. Something that fits you. Then own the absolute **** out of it. If you use something someone else picks or 'thinks is cool' it is never going to be truly yours.

Example. We are 'Overmountain' because we live in, and I grew up in, the town where revolutionary war militia men from our area gathered and made their way to the Carolinas to fight Ferguson's red coats. They walked across and likely camped on part of our property. In my late teens I apprenticed as a period blacksmith at a homestead used by them. I then interned in college with Roan Mountain state Park where they made camp and grouped up with others. My job was marking, measuring and GPS mapping trails used by them. And today, I am a law enforcement officer in a regional task force, and routinely go elsewhere in the region to help protect people who aren't my neighbors but are my countrymen. To me, those men represent all that 'American' should mean, and instantly tie our little company to the region. And I hope it helps instantly give people an idea what we are about.

Or it can be funny like my buddy's towing company, 'Camel Tow Service' and get you hella business just because it's funny. [emoji6]


Overmountain Knife and Tool
i live in the woods :) there was a cool old car called a roadster, i derived my username from that.
Eric and John those are cool stories behind yours :thumbup:
Haha Karl, OK I guess I'll nix changing mine to "Rubber Duck":D
It's really just out of curiosity that I ask. if I change mine it will be to my name.
if they wanted you to use your real name, there would be no provision to use anything otherwise. i have been on the cb since 1977, i guess its just in my blood :)
Military Call Sign and Business name drove mine... Army EOD guy, call sign Blaster-6. Now I'm out ( as a kindler, gentler soul...) I run TheBlastingCabinet.

This forum is addicting. I lurked for the longest time, joined to assist makers by engraving and marking their projects... next thing you know I'm building a forge and buying a 2x72" grinder...!!! LOL!
Military Call Sign and Business name drove mine... Army EOD guy, call sign Blaster-6. Now I'm out ( as a kindler, gentler soul...) I run TheBlastingCabinet.

This forum is addicting. I lurked for the longest time, joined to assist makers by engraving and marking their projects... next thing you know I'm building a forge and buying a 2x72" grinder...!!! LOL!
I can totally hear that coming through a headset. Nice...

Overmountain Knife and Tool
Initials and year of my birth. I basically shortened an old email address. Original right? ;)
This reminds me of a story about an old Indian warrior whose son came to him one day and asked how his father arrived at naming the boy. The warrior went on to explain that on the day of his children's birth, he would have someone lead him into the woods blindfolded and once there, would remove the blindfold and then name his newborn child after the first thing he saw. "This is why your sister is named Running Creek, and your brother is named Leaping Deer, and your other brother is named Flying then, why do you ask Two Dogs Licking?" (punchline edited for PG13) :D
I use the the initials of my full name, my father and old brother have the same initials, so I'm the "third"
hence hsc3
HSC /// is the cooler way to display this, the "///" being three knife slashes

When I joined the forums it was under "Magnussen" my son's name. As I began to sell, I changed it to my name... nothing special.