I bought a ZT0801...

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Mar 1, 2013
I bought a ZT0801 last week because of this thread

Late yesterday, somebody posted to the thread a link to a youtube video of a guy reviewing the ZT0801 performance, and it didn't perform well going from sharp to dull in a single scene, and so Kai Corp locked the thread.

I'm kind of offended by that reaction. If you think the video is fake, sure call it out. Better yet, make a video comment showing that the knife performs well! Don't just lock the thread because somebody says something negative about you. People only try to censor things when they have something to hide. And, this is the Internet, where censorship always loses and you WILL get called out for it.

I love Kershaw and ZT Knives, but I think they did the wrong thing here.
I don't mean this as insulting and I don't mean to start an argument. But CrimsonTideShooter (John Davis) has started quite a few controversies on this forums, mostly on this sub-forum. I don't think he has the intention of starting them, but from past avents he should know that (for the most part) if you give negative feed back there will be a negative response. Especially if only a few people have the same problem. He's very polite on the forums but if you look on youtube I don't think he's nearly as polite. I disagree with him on a few things. I really don't apriciate that he decides to post things that he knows will not be taken well. Yes I know, truth is the best policy, but sometimes it's best to just hold your tongue when you know nothing productive will come of it. I will continue to be a subscriber to his youtube channel and I will enjoy and learn form his sharpening videos. hopefully I can Meet him at blade show 2014 and start a conversation haha. That's just the way I see it. All the best, Kirby
Out of respect for Kai Corp lets try and keep this thread from blowing up. OP if you don't mind shutting it down I'd appreciate it. :)
To the OP: I don't think a lot of people realize, or want to at least, that this sub-forum is under KAI's rules. If KAI wants to close a thread without questions asked, they can do it. It's their sub-forum to do it too. If you're offended by it, so be it. We're not the ones to question KAI's decisions to close a thread.

To John Davis: It seems like whenever you're around here, drama gets stirred up. Maybe it's not intentional, but the only time you have something to say about ZT, It's only about how their knives with ELMAX perform. Coincidence? Maybe. You and me both know that some things are better left unsaid. Honesty is great, and I respect you for being honest, but like I said, sometimes things should be left unsaid. This sub-forum's attitude has been great as of late, and your presence in it has diminished it. Nothing you have provided to this sub-forum has been productive. Is showing a video of your experience helpful? Sure it is! But, It's clear that KAI doesn't want to hear any of it right now.
KaiCorp didn't shut it down because negative things were being said. They shut it down because they knew that thread wasn't going to end nicely, or productively. It's better to shut things down before emotions take over, and it gets nasty, then to wait for the inevitable to happen.
KaiCorp didn't shut it down because negative things were being said. They shut it down because they knew that thread wasn't going to end nicely, or productively. It's better to shut things down before emotions take over, and it gets nasty, then to wait for the inevitable to happen.

This covers it pretty well. To the OP, congrats on your 0801, we'll look forward to your review.
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