I Spy...

Feb 28, 2012
I was coincidentally in Mike's shop last weekend for a knifemaking class (posted about that here). One of the best parts of that class was the design process, during which I got some valuable tips from Ray and Mike. They both have an extraordinary gift for design, matched by their skill at their craft.

Around the shop, I got to spy some of the projects they have in the works for this venture. Some really exciting stuff they have planned. (I was especially interested in the prototype fixed-blade collaboration... but I digress...) So there I was, all day, camera already in hand - just lacking the sense to steal some pictures out to share.

Anyway, I can share this, the best picture of the day (this pic didn't make it onto the other post). Check out the bobblehead who watches over the Tree mill!


Thanks for the class, Mike! And thank you, too, Ray, for helping out! Best of luck to both of you!
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Calvin it was a great time for me. I even learned a couple of things too. We hope to see you in Vegas.
Ahh man! I wish I could be there, looks like fun. Only a few thousand klicks between us:D