If a folder, then...


Nose to the Grindstone
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Dec 5, 2005
...what would you like to see?

Just say for example Ryan goes to make a folder, then what kind of features should it have?
Size? Shape? Materials? Etc.

Let's give the guy a hand here:thumbup:
Flipper. Bolster lock or frame lock. 3.5-3.75" blade. I prefer drop point, simple, no choil blade shapes but also enjoy seeing creativity in grinds like modified tangos, etc.

Ti for the frame
Carbon fiber for the scale ( we all know Ryan loves the cf). Maybe no scale, just a frame lock for the first couple runs.
Steel, How bout something different like 1095 with a heavy hamon or San Mai......
Tip up clip, preferably sculpted.

that's a great start!
Haha... Easy there! lets maybe start with a Friction folder, time is not something I have mass amounts of!
Matching Ti on both sides. Steel 10xx, W2, 3V, CPM-M4 (hamon or San Mai even better). Bowie blade profile with a slight recurve. 3.4" to 4". Tip up carry.
sorry Ryan, the people have spoken!
I'll send a pattern or two to you...