Is anyone here?

Jun 25, 2000
Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone from Tinives was watching the forum. Thanks. -Lev
We are here!!

I just returned from the Las Vegas Classic a few hours ago so I will be brief tonight, but I will be back after I get some sleep.

Scott has been busy getting the new Double Action model ready to start shipping so he probably has not had much time to get on the forum.

Someone asked about clips. Yes we have clips. New, very cool clips. The screwless clip for the large knife is out now and is really neat. The clip can be removed and there are no additional screw holes or machined areas to be seen. The new clip for the small knife will be out in a few weeks. This one does not share the same screwless feature but it a very cool design that compliments the knife.

As for quality, if you have handled one the answer is obvious. This is a very high tech folder with an unbelievably smooth action, they have my VooDoo!

I must sleep now but I will be back tomorrow. If anyone has any specific questions feel free to post here, e-mail me directly, or call me. 972-230-8833

Thanks for the reply. I am really interested in getting a Tinives and now I know there is someone to who I can address my questions. Could you perhaps provide a pic of the clip or some more information about it. Also are there any new models, besides the D/A you mentioned, coming out? I look forward to your response, after you get some sleep that is.