Off Topic Just a few blade specs...

Mar 27, 2008
Hey guys,
I am always looking for that perfect mix of weight and length in a Kukuri for me and my guess is that I am not alone. Do you ever wish that you could pick up and feel the DOTD and do a bit of chopping with them? Ever wish that you could quantify the way that one special Kukuri feels when in use, with hard numbers? I don't have the magic formula but here are some specs from my blades that i want to share. Maybe it might help someone out who is looking for their own Excalibur :)

Here are the pics of the knives listed
IMG_20171004_170039.jpg IMG_20160713_210359.jpg IMG_20171004_170111.jpg

Here is them all listed with spec's


From left to right is: Type of knife
Overall length
Blade length
Weight in oz
Location of the balance point from the TIP going back to the grip
Spine thickness
The percentage of the balance point from the tip vs the overall length

No doubt I missed some good correlations on the info gathered but we have a lot of smart cookies here (including Bawanna ;)) so I figure the best thing was to show the numbers. I would love to see some pics/specs of your favorite blades also, kinda have a data base.
Take care,
Give me a minute to catch my breath and dry off a little, emotions got the best of me and that's not manly.
Smart Cookie.....I think that's the nicest thing anybody ever called me and a far sight better than some of the stuff Bookie and Ndog and George and Cul and Pugs and all the others call me...............heavy sigh.

Your first comment struck home. I long to hold almost every knife Yangdu post, especially the different ones we don't see often.
I wish there was a way to make that happen, sales would improve 500 %.
I visited Yangdu 3 times now and the highlight is of course show and tell and actually handling all these beautiful knives.

Some prior to holding didn't blow my dress up, I thought, didn't sing for me. Many of those changed as soon as the knife hit my hand.

The one that stands out in my mind right now is the Spear Vala I held last trip that the lucky dog Cul now gives a home.
I thought they looked cool and that's worth a lot but holding that knife was love at first touch. It was a misunderstanding on my part or that beauty would have been riding in the van home with me. It's nice. To my semi untrained hands it was perfect for weight and balance and just felt good to me.

Many, many others hit me the same way.

You might be onto something with your tables here. I'm not too good at that percentage cyphering, I did have arithmetic in grammar school and even some......well that class must not of stuck, don't even remember what it was called now.
I'll watch this thread with rapt attention, perhaps we can find the magic combination and solve some mysteries.

Darn it co workers are wondering why I'm all red eyed. I'll have to come up with something manly. My dog's sick or something, that's ok right?