Just cause...

Nov 17, 2003
Wanted to post just cause... Something just told me to post and just wanted to say that Rob is still here in spirit. Not tryin' to open anything, just wanted to say Hi in here.

Christine and gang... Don't know you, but just thought I would see how things are going for you
Thanks man, Rob is with us always I think.... :cool: BTW there will be some KILLER stuff at Blade Show!
Special thanks to Christine, Ron Clark, Trace, Strider guys, Hossom and all the others that keep Rob's designs and spirit alive. I know I and many others really appreciate it.
tknife said:
Special thanks to Christine, Ron Clark, Trace, Strider guys, Hossom and all the others that keep Rob's designs and spirit alive. I know I and many others really appreciate it.

NO, thank you bud.... You keep Rob alive as much as any of us.. :cool:

I am so looing forward to BLADE SHOW!
If all goes well, I will have all makes of the mid tech line ( with some surprises)and hope to have a new model... eek! We'll see if it all comes together on time. Thats about all I want to say about it at this time....
The Kootenai will not be there. Sorry guys, I need to get some further CAD work done before it will finally debut. It will be here one day! Really!!
See you guys soon!
I will actually need two VIPs this year. :eek:

Sad to say I won't be having my own table. That just means I get to run around getting into trouble and having fun.

Trace, how do you know what Christine will have at Blade? Have you been snooping around my shop? :D :p :D
Great! A teaser of what's to come. :eek:

Looking foward to seeing everyone there.
I too would like to echo tknife and say that I am glad things are comming together for Christine and Simonich Knives. I will be looking forward to those pictures KAAK :D and am making plans to get there next year, hopefully!

I second that. I'm hoping they'll really start ramping up production around the time I get a "real" job and can afford high end knives again. I just found out about Rob before the tragedy, so I never got the chance to buy one of his actual knives, but the mid-techs look really cool.

I'll get pics fo shure :D I don't think I'll be in them though.... I don't photograph well, but I will take many of the crew and knives :cool:
Looking foward to seeing more Simonich knives in person, and buying some of them. It will be one of my first stops.
Can't wait to see y'all at Blade. Will be my second trip. Hope to pick up another Bitterroot or two as well as see the surprises.

Supposed to have a VIP pass coming. If it doesn't make it, save a Bitterroot for me!!!

All good medicine,

Visited the site to see what all the hype was about, really like the Crowfoot. Wish I coulda met the man. Sorry for your loss.