K9 Dingo - Official Rescue List

#45 Mike Fowler- all correct and waiting already!
I am holding the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Rick - Number 42
I sent the check #6704 last Saturday...I can't believe you haven't gotten it yet. If it doesn't arrive by Saturday - Tommorrow...Let me know and I'll open up a paypal account and give you another $85.00. It can go towards the payment of the knife when the check comes in....So Sorry. #44.
Check came this morning, T-BAG....crazy, eh?
The numbered set is full....but un-numbered is still available

If interested, email me or Tom Krein and we'll get you hooked up!!! :thumbup:
Is there still any space left to get on the list for one of these bad boys I would definately like to get one.
Yes - shoot me an email and we'll take it from there. :thumbup:
I'm on the list at #30. :)

Curious, where exactly will these be numbered at? May seem a silly question, but this is destined to be a user. I own no safe queens.

We're not settled on this 100%. We'll keep you posted. Likely to be on the backside, in the same place our logos goes (top inner corner of the bevel).

I'm number 28.
A bit miffed, I thought I had number 7 :(
The main thing is I get one of these knives though.

I think 6 people requested number 7....:foot:.....it was a bit of a mess....I did my best to reply to everyone...sorry about the confusion.
Not a whole lot of chatter here in K9 land. Any word on the sheaths? Is Feb still the timeframe thes pups will be born? No rush just anxious.
The knives are being surface ground right now and we should have some pics of the prototype sheaths in the next day or two...thanks!

got you on the list. Thanks! :thumbup:
