Kershaw 1510 Random Task: Top Factory Knife 1989-2000


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
The October 2013 issue of Blade Magazine in the article entitled "THE TOP FACTORY KNIVES FROM 1989-2000 SET THE STAGE FOR TODAY’S PRODUCTION ELITE" ranks the Kershaw 1510 Random Task at the very top.

1. Kershaw 1510 Random Task

Huegel: “The most significant development in one-hand opening knives of the decade and beyond, Ken Onion’s patented assisted-opening folders made by Kershaw represent the most successful custom collaborative invention in this current cutlery renaissance. Since [the 1510’s] introduction in 1999, Kershaw has experienced a rebirth to become an industry leader. This unique idea has generated a new category—mockingly, the sincerest form of flattery.”
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I completely understand! It has always caught my eye in the catalogs and always wanted one.
I always liked the ricochet personally but the RT is awesome in its own right. Pretty neat find there Rammy.