Review Kizer Vanguard Kesmec

Oct 8, 2016
I have been wanting the Kesmec for a while.Knowing that Kizer quality is always spot on and I liked the design very much I had no apprehension ordering it. I received it last week and sure how this knife made it out of the design studio. Somebody had taken it upon themselves to chamfer the thumb hole to the point that when you try to deploy the knife your thumb will slip off and only a partial deployment will occur.
I am actually very upset about this because I really like the knife. I was anxiously awaiting it's arrival but this flaw is forcing me to return it. I think that if Kizer wanted to do it this way for design purposes they should have made it into a flipper and it would have been fine. I am on the hunt for another Kizer to fill the void. They make so many knives that are great that I can excuse this fault but I am still sorry that I can't keep the knife.
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