Knife associations

Jan 4, 2013
Today has been the saddest day of my life so far. After a few drinks and feeling no better I started thinking about today and what I had in my pockets. What I carried had no bearing on what happened, but I'm not sure I'll get past the association. So I ask, have any of you folks ever had an unrelated memory- good or bad effect what you carry? Sorry for the random questions- it's been a sad day and I figured a little random conversation might be a nice distraction.
I never associated items with a bad day, just events. One of my worst days began with stepping in a big pile of dog crap, it went down hill from there. I hate stepping in dog crap.
Hope your day improves and you fine something to be happy about today.
I think it would just have to do with your mind looking for something to pin it on. I've done it myself with other things. Sorry to hear you are having a bad day.
For me it's music rather than things that trigger memories. Certain Jimi Hendrix or Pink Floyd songs can almost make me feel high, even though I haven't been high in over 13 years. Or if I hear a song I haven't heard in a really long time I can remember what video game system I was playing back in the day when I listened to that song or album a lot, and can remember certain events or periods from there.
Anyway, hope today's a better day.
For me it's music rather than things that trigger memories. Certain Jimi Hendrix or Pink Floyd songs can almost make me feel high, even though I haven't been high in over 13 years. Or if I hear a song I haven't heard in a really long time I can remember what video game system I was playing back in the day when I listened to that song or album a lot, and can remember certain events or periods from there.
Anyway, hope today's a better day.

Same here. When I'm mad, sad, whatever I listen to music. Some songs have memory's attached. Some good...some not so much. But the world goes on. It's a matter of how long it takes you to follow. Keep your chin up sir...
Yea man, try not to associate inanimate objects with bad events. Let the logical part of your mind takeover and rule the association out. Don't let the emotional part rule you or despair will definitely overcome you. Compartmentalize and rationalize. This will bring you through whatever you are going through. Take care bro.
Sorry you are having a rough day buddy. I for one am extremely supersticious. Where as it hasn't happened with a knife yet, I know it will. But as mentioned your mind is trying to pin point something as the cause of the bad day. Keep your head up buddy, tomorrow is a new day and never more than 24 hrs away!
I associate objects to a certain part in my life, but I don't ever associate them to a certain day/days.