Knife Collections Part III


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2001
Which custom/handmade knife did you sell or trade and now wish you had it back? Mine was the Timberline hollow handle survival knife that I bought in 1984 and sold in 1993. That was a neat knife.
Only one I regret, and I can't even remember the name.

It was the large Cold Steel model called something like the "Shinoba" It was a San Mai III folding tanto. It had a nail nick and everything, no stud, and no clip. But it did have a groovy nylon sheath that could be worn horizontal or vertical.

That's the one I regret trading. Doubt if I'll ever find another, and I don't know if I'd buy it again, even if I had the chance!

Edited to say: The custom/handmade part didn't register in my weary mind. Sorry.
I traded away a JW Smith tactical, I wished I still had that one:(
A David Broadwell/RCC fighter with matching serial #18 to my David Broadwell/RCC sub-hilt. Beautiful knife, what the hell was I thinking :( If anyone out there reading this has it, just let me know if your in the mood to sell it :rolleyes:
Come on! There are only six people that have traded or sold a knife that they wish they had back??? I can't believe that. Now I'm really feeling like an idiot.
There are many more out there, it is somtimes just bad to think about:(