Knife Storage Case

Mar 8, 2001
I picked up some of Bill's custom knife cases. How safe is it for long term storage of a knife in the case zipped up? What potential problems are there with entrapped moisture? Are these cases more for short term storage? Bill's custom cases appear to be well made. Thanks.
Don't store your knife in these cases! They are excellent for transporting knives, especially folders in the closed position. Fixed blade knives tend to cut the liner to shreds as the knife moves around during transport.
The problem with these cases for storage is moisture, as you surmised. I have had more than one knife get the dreaded spots when stored for very long in a closed case. Same goes for guns in gun rugs. You can minimize problems by spraying the inside of the case with silicon spray, and making sure that your knife is protected with a full coating from tuf-cloth, renaissance wax, or similar. But the best knife storage allows air to circulate around your knife, and this is not possible in a closed case.
Fire Horse,
I have stored a number of folders and fixed blades in Bill's cases for well over a year without any problems.The cases I use are the ones with the velcro closures and felt interiors.Mind you it's not very humid where I live.