Photos Knives in Trees II

Just so happened to snap a couple today

Our apple tree

The park across the street from our house

Here's one from when my neighbor's cherry blossoms where blooming


and another from when I was back in FL for the month of February

Just saw this beauty in "Knives in Wood". Such a nice bit of forest there, I had to tag it to this thread.
That said, here is today's knife in a tree. šŸ˜œ

This bit of woods is on our property. Our back yard turns into these woods pretty much right where this knife in the tree is. It is very lush and thick in the summer. Years ago I had cleared it all out and had the "grassy" part down to where I could mow some and weed-eat the rest. A bunch of work though.

I jokingly call it our "Snake Farm". We've killed several, even had one in our house. It was just a baby though. The cat got him.

Here is a pic of a cute one. Scared the crap out of me one day mowing the yard. Shotgun blew the rest of him into the ground. When the other piece was still connected to him, he was about 4'. I'll allow most snakes, but NO Copperheads or Rattlers!
