Komodo Dragon


KnifeMaker & Moderator
Mar 15, 2002
This is another one that was waiting to get wrapped up. 9 3/4 overall with a 4 1/2 inch hollow-ground blade of 1095. Reptile underlay (not komodo :D ). Thanks for looking her over.




I love the chamfer on the spine of the blade. How did you do that? I round the spine on a lot of my knives but never thought to do it like that. I like the knife overall, but I think the handle is a little too long for the blade. I think the reptile skin looks really cool.
Kyle Fuglesten
Thanks for the honest feedback. The top spine work was pretty easy. I have a 12-inch disc grinder on my shopsmith and I just tilted the table up 45-degrees.
A dissenting opinion...

I like my smaller blades to have disproportionately larger handles. Might not be as pretty, but it makes it easier to hold onto and get a better grip on it.

~4.5" usable handle sounds pretty comfy. Any longer though and maybe I'd change my mind. ;)

Great work, Michael. Love the high grind, the spine chamfering, the hamon and the wrap. I just dunno about the lizard... I'm a black same' or synthetics kind of guy myself. Keepin' it subtle. ;)

I have to agree about the spine, it looks incredible. The fact that your knives are so beautiful even though you haven't been at it for so long really says something about your talent.

I think I remember you saying a little while back that you werent' going to do any more cordwraps for a while. :)
