Left-Hand Star-Tac


Gold Member
Jan 8, 2010
Is there any plans for a left-hand version of the star-tac and the star-benza? I really hope there is, I really like the designs of the Wilson version but will only buy left-hand CRK's. Thanks for any information.
Unfortunately, we don't have plans at this time. Believe me, our fans on BF will be the first to know if we do!
I would also be interested in a lefty. Of course, that and $400!!
hmm... Any chance of starting shipping to Canada? I first saw the Startac Umnumzaan a few months ago on the forums and it looks amazing, however when I tried to oreder one online I was told that Canada is restricted? I REALLY want to get my hands on one of these buggers...
The Star-Tac Titanium Framelock, Left Hand | Wilson Tactical® / Chris Reeve Knives are in stock!

If I didn't already have a lefty Micarta large Sebbie, which I really like but just started carrying finally, I'd be all over one of these for sure.

Mine's the older brother to this beauty...larger pivot screw. I'm waiting patiently for my cross-draw leather sheath to arrive from Poland that will house my Star-Tac lefty.
What kind of exotic leather pouch is that RamZar? Shark?:thumbup: