Let's see your good old basic fixed blades, Bowie's, Stickers, etc.

ClintB said:
... Here's my 'sticker', Benchmade Delta Raider

Sweet BM Sticker and would you look at that grind!:cool: So this is the Delta Raider model?? Please give me the lowdown on the specs: Blade length? Steel Type? Handle Material?.. Is that clip point sharpened?

Good Fishes ~~><>
Pacific Cutlery Corp. came out with the Delta Attack 1, model #765 designed by David Steele around '86-'87 according to the old catalogs and flyers I've seen. When the company name changed to Benchmade, it appears that the name of the knife changed to the Delta Raider, model #120.

It's 12 in. overall with a 7 in blade, "specially formulated 400 series stainless steel", 57-59 rockwell hardness. The clip point is not sharpened.
The handle material is kraton, it wieghs in at 10 oz.

If I had to grab a knife for protection, this would be the one. It just feels good in the hand.
here are a few of mine. they are all sambar stag, but i have water buffalo too.
Here are some Bushmasters!

Top: Bushmaster M4

Middle: Benchmade Bushmaster

Bottom: Pacific Cutlery Corp. Bushmaster

Here is one from John Greco...


This fellow comes stock...no whitewalls, regular unleaded, heavy duty payload. :D

ClintB said:
Here are some Bushmasters!

Top: Bushmaster M4

Middle: Benchmade Bushmaster

Bottom: Pacific Cutlery Corp. Bushmaster


They all look pretty much the same except for the top bushmaster sort of has an identity all its own!:eek: :p :D :D :thumbup:
I'm sure you guys all know the Eugene Shadley is one of the big dogs in the realm of custom slipjoint makers. I read somewhere that he does not make many fixed blades. I was fortunate enough to snag one. ATS-34, green bone, about 6 1/2" overall.

Thomason said:
I'm sure you guys all know the Eugene Shadley is one of the big dogs in the realm of custom slipjoint makers. I read somewhere that he does not make many fixed blades. I was fortunate enough to snag one. ATS-34, green bone, about 6 1/2" overall.


Shadley's fixed blades are sweet! Good job snag'n this one for your personal stash.

BTW, I have noticed distinced improvemnets on your most recent photographs. Great Job Bro!:cool:
checkermate said:
amos iron wolf, what knife is that in the first picture, on the far right, the tiny fixed blade.

That's a CRKT Kit Carson F4-02 or Carson F4 for short. Total length is about 5 1/2 in. I think mine was around $20 at Sportsman's Warehouse. It sharpens up to be a nice edge. The steel is AUS6M. It isn't the high end of steels or neck knives, but it is a pretty good little knife for the money. You can use a hex key to take off the scales if you want a bare handled knife or want to rehandle it.

Here is one link that describes it and has the knife for $15.95. I've never bought anything from them so I can't say if they are good to buy from or not, but it will give you a reference.


PhiL, that is just too sweet! I've often looked at my little production knife and thought either stag or white micarta scales would look good on it. But handmade by the man himself in Damascus and Stag? Just too knice! That would make a fine little patch knife for a smokepoler.

Is the sheath in that pic a special run for the handmades or is there a source that you know of for a thinner, Kydex type, neck sheath. The production sheath is versatile, but just too bulky for such a trim knife.
Amos the sheath was made by Kit or Jody Carson. What's really cool is that the tension is adjustable via the two screws. That Kit doesn't miss a trick.

I should add that my F4 was a gift from my friend Don Eargle of Phoenix Blades.
Amos, thanks for the info on the F4-02, what angle is the edge sharpened at? And would you recommend this knife? I really like how it looks.
Checkermate, no problem. As for angle, I don't claim to have a calibrated eye, but I'll guess in the 18-20 degree per side, 40 degree total angle range. The sheath that comes with it is versatile, but a bit bulky. It also lets the blade move around inside which I think would have a detrimental affect on edge sharpness over time. For the price though, it's a neat little knife. I thought at first of taking off the thong on it, but realized it really does add some extra handle to it, especially when drawing from the sheath. I might put a slightly thicker set up on it later for just a little more hand hold.

It is a bit small for heavy use, but then it wasn't intended for that I don't believe. For $20 or less it's a dandy little knife. Like most knives it will need a little sharpening, but it isn't dull as it comes, just could be better.
another question, would it be possible to take off the scales and put a nylon or some sort wrap? And also where would i get such nylon or lanyard :X, sorry I don't know tooo much about knives.
The scales are screwed on with what looks like a small torx head screw. Some of the CRKT knives that have removable and reversable clips on the sheath have what looks like a hex key for the clip. My boxes are buried presently so I can't tell if they would fit the handle on the knife.

If you are wanting to make a thinner, non-slip handle there is a plastic coating material that you dip tool handles into and if forms a grip like you see on pliers and such. Heat shrink tubing could be used too, but I don't know how slippering it would be. Cord wrapping could be a solution too. There are some links/instructions somehwere on bladeforums IIRC. A search of the forum might reveal some info. Cordwise, I like good old fashioned parachute, aka 550 cord. Given my Army past I might be a little predjudiced there. There are also some brighter colored cords out there that work good.

Also, in the accessories area of the forum for sale section there are a few fellas who offer some really sharp and useful corded products such as monkey fists and other knot related lanyards and thongs. Here's one link to the area:


Another cheap tinkering knife in the bigger size is that Gerber Profile right beside the F4. At about the same price at WalMart the scales are also Torx screwed on and it is looks like it would be a good project either for doing a wrapped handle on or maybe a restocking with something interesting. It is 440C with a nitride coating, full tang, well balanced, and it sharpened up nicely. At $19.95 + tax it's cheap thrills. I'm planning on picking up another one or two to put through some hard testing just to see how much knife is there. Generally, Gerber doesn't get much respect these days and I generally don't go for Gerber these days either, but I like this one so far.

So for about $40 you can have two full tanged knives that seem to work just fine. They aren't braggin' blades as far as maker or custom look, or even handle material. But for giving a good deal for the dollars they are both pretty good. I've used the spine on both to make sparks from my Boy Scout firesteel so they could be a fire making kit and still have an edge.

Sorry, got to rambling.
checkermate said:
Thanks, all of this information was really helpful, especially the link :)

Hang around my friend this place is quite nice. The people here are second to none!.:cool: