Lets talk Simonich Knives!

I picked up one of Mr. Simonich's knives in a trade last year and it's just set in the gun safe since. I don't think it was ever used. There's a pix on the knife discussion part of this forum. I'm trying to find out what model it is and what it may be worth. I emailed Cristine Simonich and she said she didn't know and to check here with you guys. It is a beautiful knife and I'm not sure if I should use it or just let it set in the safe.

thanks Bob from Idaho
I saw that photo and I must say I have no clue as to age, model or worth. Wish I could be more help but it has me plain stumped.
Thanks Mr. Clark. I think I'll just stick it in the safe and use it for trading stock on down the road. With the sad passing of Rob his handmade knives are going to increase in value I think. Sure appreciate your looking at it for me.
I've seen a few other strange Simonish's in the last few months: A sword, a wharncliff, and two neck knives (bigger than Cam Mini talon, smaller than normal Cam Talon). I've also seen a Cetan, Pikuni, and the 4" (Nimbalo?). All solid and great knives.

Overlord in Colorado

p.s. Now, if only I could find some old G&G Hawk knives.
tknife said:
Wish I still had some pics of those knives, my old computer crashed and they went with it :(

I fell in love with Rob´s knives when I saw the Cetan more than 5 years ago. Then I won a charity auction with Talon and Mini Talon and then I managed to get Simonich/Ralph EDC. All are excellent knives. BTW I also got a CD with all pictures from Rob´s website (I got it from his webmaster) so if you are interested, I could send you a copy.


PS: Sorry for bad pictures - they are from my scanner (before I got my camera)


KnifeAddictAK said:
Come on guys... Whatcha got?

How bout...

First time you heard about Rob's knives?
First one you ever purchased?
First time you met him?
What your knife is mainly used for?

As for me...First heard about Rob's knives and talonite from a customer.
First knife was the Chinook. :cool:

I remember being at a three gun shoot in Boulder where I first met Rob. I had just finished a string and during that string I had broken my main spring ( heck if I know how I had broken it ), needless to say I was a tad bit hot about breaking my Springfield. As I was tearing my pistol down, a skinny fella sidled up to me and said "hmmm...need a spare?", as I turned around to "greet" the smart aleck I met the biggest grin on that littlest fella. How on earth could I stay mad...I didn't. Rob introduced himself and told me he would be right back. He returned with a mainspring from his own pistol !!!

I tried to give him cash for it...he would not take it. I tried to replace it ...he would not hear of it. Instead he complimented me on my shooting and said pay me back by winning. I did not win ( i guess my mind was trying to figure out how I had broken the mainspring ) I did place second ( Rob and I went for a Guiness after the match )

He showed me his shop after I learned he made knives and I told him I tried at it. I was in awe.

A week or two later he asked me to stop by the shop and look at some blades he had been working on. My eldest son and I stopped by on our way to town and Rob introduced himself to my son and then asked my son which knive he liked the most. My son pointed to and asked if it was O.K. to pick up one of the Talonite blades. Rob answered in the affirmative. Zac picked up a Cetan , Rob asked him if he liked it, Zac said "OH MY GOD YES !"...and then Rob lew me away..he told Zac it was his to keep.

Zac keeps that blade on his headboard...his friends want to look at it, but Zac says " my dad's friend who died made that for me...you can look with your eyes not your hands" Zac told me on the 29th, that he wants to kive that knive to his son when he has one. Made me get kinda choked up.
what a beautiful story Glocker21.. you depicted how Rob was .. a true gentleman with a heart of gold. thank you for sharing your story..