Lightning Strikes Sometime Tonight ! ! ! . . . Beating Heart Coming! ! ! . . . 3-21-2024

I just realized when I looked at David Brown David Brown 's photo that this thing is VERY close to my NMSFNO. The only differences I can pick out are: (1) slightly thinner (NMSFNO is 0.25"); (2) a little wider blade, I think; (3) does not have the rounded treatment.
Which makes me think... I probably should have gotten one of these as a backup. Oh well, no regerts. Just didn't have it in the finances either (in addition to no maroon).
Beating Heart compared to NMSFNO

Interesting. Wider. Not really longer. Probably thinner behind the edge.
100% on all accounts
handle is more comfortable for me as well. ( I have pretty big hands)
Hunter looks a little intimidated, and rightly so!! :)
Nah ... he's just an old fart like me and starting to show his age. Poor guy has been through hell and back in the last couple weeks ... in and out of ERs, being admitted for 3 days; multiple biopsies/xrays/ct scans and on and on. He started getting growths on his face, head and shoulders, temp was as high as 105F, vision impaired and wouldn't eat. Medical bills over $10k so far and climbing. Money doesn't matter as much as the wellness of my best friend. I like him more than 99% of the people I've met and the love and comfort he's given me confirms he genuinely cares for me. I love that dog! If you have a four-legged best friend ... you know exactly how I feel. ♥️
Nah ... he's just an old fart like me and starting to show his age. Poor guy has been through hell and back in the last couple weeks ... in and out of ERs, being admitted for 3 days; multiple biopsies/xrays/ct scans and on and on. He started getting growths on his face, head and shoulders, temp was as high as 105F, vision impaired and wouldn't eat. Medical bills over $10k so far and climbing. Money doesn't matter as much as the wellness of my best friend. I like him more than 99% of the people I've met and the love and comfort he's given me confirms he genuinely cares for me. I love that dog! If you have a four-legged best friend ... you know exactly how I feel. ♥️
Yup, lost her a few weeks ago, made it 16 years, most never see that age.
Yup, lost her a few weeks ago, made it 16 years, most never see that age.
Sorry for your loss. I am sure she appreciated all you did for her as much as you do for what she did for you. I dread that eventual day but I know he will remain in my heart just as your girl does in yours.
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